Campus Student Life Community Engagemnent & Diversity
Community Engagemnent & Diversity
Community Engagemnent & Diversity
Community Engagement Diversity


The university is gradually enhancing the transformation of shared spaces within the student community. Various shared spaces have been established, including rooms for teacher-student interaction, self-study, psychological counseling, physical fitness, sports, and a reading corner. These diverse and shared spaces are designed to provide an environment for the teacher-student communication, entrepreneurial guidance, academic support, sports, and leisure activities.

Introduction to Hainan University Student Science and Technology Association

Hainan University Student Science and Technology Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") is a specialized agency of the university to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students and popularize science and technology education, as well as promote the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students under the unified deployment of the university. With the value pursuit of "exposing the youth to innovation and entrepreneurship", the Association focuses on the organic integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education with the whole process of talent cultivation, and takes the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education as an important starting point and effective breakthrough in the comprehensive reform of the university and the construction of "double world-class" disciplines. Innovation leads entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship drives employment, and employment and entrepreneurship stimulate innovation. The Association actively adapts to the new economic norm, promotes quality education as the theme, improves the quality of talent cultivation as the core, innovates the mechanism of talent cultivation as the focus, takes internationalization as a breakthrough, and improves the conditions and policy guarantee as the support. It also promotes the close integration of higher education with science and technology, economy and society, actively builds a "four-in-one" education model of consciousness cultivation, knowledge transfer, ability enhancement and value shaping, and forms a "five-in-one" innovation and entrepreneurship education system of teaching, practical training, competition, service and transformation. The Association has eight direct units, including the Office, Science and Technology Popularization Center, Science and Technology Innovation Center, Academic Development Center, Project Incubation Center, News and Publicity Center, Public Relations Department, and Cultural Design Department. The Association aims to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of students across the university and accelerate the implementation of good innovative projects. At the same time, in order to better create an atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, the Association co-organizes large-scale innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, including the "Challenge Cup" and "Internet +", so as to guide more students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship, enhance innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and get extra points from the competitions. In addition, mature projects can also be stationed in the incubation base to successfully realize the transformation of achievements. At present, the Association has successfully applied for upgrading the incubation base and vigorously develops the Sunny Island Makerspace and the Maker Space with full-featured facilities, which creates a good platform for the college students to start up business or get employed. At the same time, the Association regularly organizes a series of activities, such as the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum, in which we will invite famous entrepreneurs and start-ups from home and abroad to teach students of our university about entrepreneurial experience and tell them about the arduous process of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Association has excellently accomplished various innovation and entrepreneurship activities arranged by the university, and successfully co-organized the Hainan Regional Competition of the 11th"Challenge Cup" Hainan Provincial College Students' Extracurricular Academic and Scientific and Technological Works, Hainan Regional Competition of the 9thChina's "Internet +" College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and other major competitions.

Activities carried out and awards received:

The university adheres to the basic orientation of moral education, revises the talent training program, and organically integrates innovation and entrepreneurship education into professional education. Now we have explored and formed a "five-in-one" innovation and entrepreneurship education system of teaching, practical training, competition, service and incubation, and actively constructed a "four-in-one" education model of consciousness cultivation, knowledge transfer, ability enhancement and value shaping, so as to continuously improve the ability and level of educating people. In 2017, the university was selected by the Ministry of Education as one of the "first batch of model colleges and universities for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education" (only 99 in China).

Leadership care:In 2016, the excellent project "Magic Coconut Opening Device" incubated in our university was praised by Premier Li Keqiang at the Hainan Characteristic Tourism Products Exhibition in Sanya City, Hainan Province. Liu Yandong, the Vice Premier at that time, recognized our innovation and entrepreneurship system when he took part in the Third China "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students. Chen Baosheng, former Minister of Education, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and other leaders have visited the exhibition of innovation and entrepreneurship achievements of our university and expressed high affirmation. To respond positively to the national call of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", Hainan University established the Hainan University innovation and entrepreneurship mentor pool, and set up a strong innovation and entrepreneurship mentor team, inviting entrepreneurship education experts, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other mentors inside and outside the school as a mentor. There are currently 12 specialized innovation and entrepreneurship venues, with 132 entrepreneurial mentors, of which 8 have been selected as one of the first batch of outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship mentors in China. In 2015, the university opened the course of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" for all undergraduates, and opened the courses of "Entrepreneurial and Innovative Leadership", "Creative Thinking and Innovative Methods" and "Innovative Engineering Practice" with the support of the platforms of MOOC and Zhihuishu. On this basis, "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching and Research Office for Students of Hainan University" was set up based on the Youth League Committee of the university, which is in charge of innovation and entrepreneurship course development, operation, management and faculty. The university also attaches great importance to the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship international education, and establishes cooperative relationships with famous foreign universities, such as Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and the University of the West of Scotland, etc. Dozens of innovation and entrepreneurship international workshops and overseas workshops have been opened, and well-known foreign experts are invited to teach at the university. In addition, we lead the innovation and entrepreneurship students to study and exchange abroad, so as to continuously expand the international horizons of our students. Practical training is offered to cultivate innovative mind, expand innovative thinking, build entrepreneurial ability and innovative mode, and strongly promote the vigorous development of innovation and entrepreneurship education at the university.

Transformation ofachievements:The university has fully utilized the advantages of rich business incubation bases and other platform resources to provide sufficient activeness and tenacity for our innovation and entrepreneurship projects and other related factors. At present, the innovation and entrepreneurship base of our university is centered on the Innovation Center for students, relying on the platforms such as "Sunny Island" Makerspace and Library Maker Space to extend and expand outward. Up to now, our university has 1 national entrepreneurship education base, 1 provincial incubation base, 1 national entrepreneurship training base for college students, 1 national innovation and entrepreneurship club for college students, 6 entrepreneurship incubation bases in each college, and 1 innovation and entrepreneurship training platform jointly built by the university and the college. In terms of linkage with social related enterprises and organizations, we have actively cooperated with Hainan Ecological Software Park, Haikou Fuxing City and Data Valley to create 76 off-campus employment and entrepreneurship apprenticeship bases. In addition, there are already 20 completed incubated teams and 56 incubating teams for the 2019-2020 academic year. Among them, 34 companies have obtained business licenses, financing amounted to RMB 22.5 million, the output value of about RMB 65 million. In particulary, "UU Guest" tourism information platform obtained financing of a total of RMB 12 million. "Hainan Nanshun Coconut Agricultural Information Technology Co., Ltd." "Haikou Lawu Food Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and other student start-up companies have been listed on the Hainan Stock Exchange. Meantime, a batch of innovative achievements by the student teams, such as "magic coconut opening device", "air conditioning and water heater all-in-one machine", have embarked on the road of technological transformation.

Popularization of science and technology education:

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20thCPC National Congress, to promote Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era into the mind and heart, to inspire our young college students to be educated, grow their talents and make contributions in the vivid practice at the grassroots, and to give full play to the role of young college students' league members as a vanguard in the service of the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, we have carried out a series of social practice activities, such as "Knowing, Seeing, Gathering, Enjoying Hainan" and so on.

On March 5, 2023, we invited three outstanding teachers to participate in a forum on innovation and entrepreneurship. They are Ruan Pingzhang, Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, East China Normal University, and National Excellent Instructor of China "Internet+" Competition; Yang Fang, Director of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Central South University, Second Grade Professor, Xinhua News Agency's "Figure of the Reform", member of the Steering Committee of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Deputy Head of the Expert Group on New Employment Patterns and Entrepreneurship Guidance, and member of the Expert Committee of China "Internet+" Competition of College Students of Ministry of Education, Dr. Ding Yubin, Associate Professor of Huazhong Normal University, one of the first experts of China University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center, China Graduate Student Electronic Design Competition, expert of Business Venture Capital, and mentor of Hubei Radio and Television Changjiang Entrepreneurship Tutor Group. On April 15, 2023, the opening ceremony of the First College Students' Science and Technology Culture Festival and the First College Students' Science and Technology Culture Works Exposition were held, which also served as one of the series of activities carried out for the sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding of our university. On April 18, 2023, we carried out the Free Trade Port policy propaganda and popularization for the protection of women and children's rights and interests. The new youth propaganda group of the Free Trade Port came to Longtang Township, and popularized the newly revisedLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Womenand protected women's rights and interests through the explanation of the propaganda group, the quiz competition, and the women's fun games, etc.. People expressed that this activity was highly characteristic, and that the law propaganda was simple and easy-to-understand, close to the life, which was very effective. In addition, many grass-roots science popularization visits were held, which greatly mobilized students' enthusiasm for science and technology and enhanced people's understanding of scientific knowledge. On May 7, 2023, we had the honor of inviting Mr. Li Weiming, Director of Hainan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Institute, to give a lecture on the theme of "analyzing high-quality projects, writing the blueprint for entrepreneurship". He introduced the basic framework of business plan to the students and divided it into the nine major parts of the executive summary, company description, product design and development design, industrial analysis, market analysis, marketing plan, operation plan, management team and company structure, and financial plan, and enhanced the understanding of the students on the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. We invited Prof. Fu Guohua to give us a lecture and guidance on the topic of "Learning, Thinking, Ability and Five Talents" in the Academic Salon for Postgraduate Students of Hainan University. On May 22, 2023, the final of the First Science Knowledge Contest (College Group) of "Assisting in Fulfillment of Double-Carbon Goal, Protecting Tropical Rainforest" was held at our university, and finally the "Double-Carbon Forest Protection Team" of Hainan University won the first prize.

Hainan University Student Association Guidance Center

I. Introduction to the center

Hainan University Student Association Guidance Center is a university-wide autonomous organization of student associations established under the leadership of the Party Committee of Hainan University and the guidance of the Youth League Committee of Hainan University, which is a faithful representative of student associations. It serves 131 student associations of Hainan University, plays the role of bridge and link for the construction of the vast number of student associations of the university, and makes concerted efforts to let the students of Hainan University feel better association culture.

With the aim of "guiding student associations to self-education, self-management and self-service", and adhering to the policy of "survival by characteristics and development by competition", Hainan University Student Association Guidance Center unites various student associations, actively carries out characteristic activities, establishes new student associations according to the development orientation of student associations, serves and promotes the steady development of the work of student associations, and endeavors to build the culture of student associations with the characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port and the progressive and uplifting culture of the campus.

According to the specific functions of each department, the merger and optimization of the organizational structure is completed. Hainan University Student Association Guidance Center currently consists of five functional departments, namely, the Director Group, Integrated Office, Publicity and Operations Department, Activity Planning Department, Student Association Management Department and Cultural Development Department of Student Associations, which consolidate the strong synergy of association management.

As the guidance and service organization of student associations, Hainan University Student Association Guidance Center has cooperated with student associations to hold various kinds of characteristic activities, and hosted large-scale activities such as "Battle of the Hundred Troupes", "Fragrance of Books, Cultural Campus" series of activities, "Social" Cultural Festival and Student Association Achievements Reporting Exhibition, "The 65thAnniversary of the Homecoming of Alumni" with Alumni Hiking Show, and other large-scale activities. While assisting the organization of activities of the student associations, and promoting the development of the student associations, the center has enriched the campus culture and life for students of our university.

Art Troupe

Hainan University Art Troupe was founded in 1983, under the guidance of the Youth League Committee of Hainan University, which is committed to high-quality, high-level, high-grade campus culture construction. It actively carries out all kinds of art activities to improve the students' artistic level and comprehensive quality throughout the university. It always insists on the aesthetic education to improve the students' moral sentiments, promote the students' physical and mental growth, and cultivate high-quality talents for the new era.

Hainan University Art Troupe has eight sub-troupes, namely, Chorus, Dance Troupe, Concierge Troupe, Drama Troupe, Film and Television Drama Troupe, Speech Troupe, Pops Orchestra and Traditional Chinese Music Orchestra, with professional teachers of the university as the artistic directors, to comprehensively cultivate students' comprehensive literacy and artistic aesthetic ability. At the same time, the Art Troupe has six functional departments, sch as Aesthetics Exchange and Service Department, New Media Production and Creation Department, Comprehensive Affairs Management Department, Activity Planning and Development Department, Information and Statistics Planning Department, and Stage Technology and Practice Department, which are responsible for the tasks of cultural exchanges and art performances inside and outside the university. It organizes or participates in the preparations for the cultural and artistic activities carried out for the general public of the university, such as: Campus Culture Construction Year Theme Party, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve Concert, the Good Voice of the Campus, Campus Presenter Competition, and the Grass Concert. While providing services and support for our university's cultural arts and evening performance activities, it also provides a stage for students to grow and exercise.

In recent years, the troupe has not only participated in the "My Youth My Choice AIDS and Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Campus Tour" attended by Ms. Peng Liyuan, the Ambassador of Love, but also organized the 70thAnniversary of the Founding of China and New Year's Party, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Council Gala, the 60thAnniversary Gala for Hainan University, the 100thAnniversary Gala for the Founding of Communist Party of China, and recorded the anti-epidemic video "Let's Go! We are together!" produced by the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, Bamboo Dance celebrating the 30thanniversary of the establishment of Hainan Special Economic Zone, and setting a new Guinness World Record with10,000 people dancing on bamboo poles. It entered 11 colleges of Hainan University, such as "Chengfeng", "Chunming", and "Zhonghe", to organize the mobile classroom of aesthetic education, lectures covering the theme of "Chinese traditional etiquette classroom", "the starting point classroom", "soul dialogue with dance" as well as ideological and political lessons for the Tiananmen National Ceremony chorus and training chronicles, etc. So far, there have been more than 2,000 teachers and students who have actively participated in. It has participated in and hosted many aesthetic events for primary and secondary school students sponsored by the Hainan Provincial Department of Education, and organized the "Colorful Holidays, Warming Children's Hearts" summer social practice, all of which have achieved very good results and won wide acclaim. The "three visits to the countryside" summer practice group of the Art Troupe has carried out in-depth social practice work in Ledong Lizu Autonomous County, Lingshui Lizu Autonomous County, Baisha Lizu Autonomous County and so on. The discussion of the seventeenth Grass Concert in Weibo had a cumulative readership of 12 million, receiving an enthusiastic response from both on and off campus.

At the same time, the troupe excellently accomplished the cultural exchange performance tasks assigned by the school, and was invited to visit the UK, Russia, Poland, Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries. It created high-quality programs to participate in cultural and artistic competitions and achieved excellent results for a few times."Crystal-clear Wanquan River"was a dance program invited by CCTV, as the only selected program in Hainan Province universities, to participate in the national college students' live art show "May Flowers"; in the Fourth National College Students' Art Show, the dance program"The Last Black-crested Ape"won the first prize of the general group and the excellent creation award; the vocal program "Fishing Song" won the second prize of the general group; the instrumental programs "Blooming Flowers and Full Moon" and"The Joy"won the third prize in the general group; in the Sixth Olympic Theatre Festival Shaanxi Branch College Competition, the original historical drama"Confucius and the First Emperor of Qin"won the Best Supporting Actor Prize and the Best Organization Prize; in the first college students' theatre show in Hainan Province,"Letter from 2077"won the first prize of the drama program and the Outstanding Creation Prize, and"When People Are Joyful"won the first prize of the opera program; in the Sixth National College Students' Art Show, the dance program"The Last Black-Crowned Ape"won the first prize of the general group and the Excellent Creation Prize. In the Sixth National College Students' Art Exhibition, the dance program"Returning the Blue to the Sea"won the first prize in the general group and the Excellent Creation Prize. At the same time, the work won the special prize of "College Student of the Year" of Hainan University in 2021. So far, the repertoire created by the troupe has won 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 2 third prizes at the national level, and 26 first prizes and 26 second prizes at the provincial level. Hainan University Art Troupe takes cultivating students' aesthetic ability, shaping students' perfect personality, and building students' noble character as the development goal to cultivate college students with comprehensive literacy in the new era.

Hainan University Art Troupe has insisted on using art as a medium for many years, creating an all-round and multi-angle comprehensive quality development platform for students of all majors at the university, carrying out multi-faceted, multi-level and multi-channel art practice activities, practically cultivating students' comprehensive ability to recognize, love and create beauty. While improving the professional level of art students, it has achieved the purpose of radiating a wide range of high degree of participation and absorption of college students' education in aesthetics, integrating art education into personal growth, and guiding the students to develop positive and benevolent values on the world.

Hainan University Art Troupe has always adhered to the "Love in the Art Troupe" for the development of the purpose of creating united and lively team atmosphere. Over the years, it has not only become an excellent team of campus culture construction of the university, but also enhanced the overall quality of the majority of students, enriched the students' high taste of the campus cultural life, and gained the unanimous recognition of teachers and students.
