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Base Class Construction

In order to implement the spirit of the National Conference on Undergraduate Education in the New Era and further carry out the Basic Disciplines Outstanding Student Training Program 2.0, the university initiated the construction of bases for cultivating outstanding talents in basic disciplines in 2022. With mathematics, physics, biological sciences, and agronomy (crop breeding) as pilot disciplines, base classes were established, specialized talent development plans were formulated, and a personalized talent development model was implemented to enhance the quality of talent cultivation in basic disciplines.

Joint Undergraduate Education Program with Tianjin University

Tianjin University is an institution that supports our university under the approval of the Ministry of Education. In accordance with the “Notice of the Ministry of Education on the Work of Jointly Cultivating Undergraduates for Supported Universities” (Jiao Gao Ting [2010] No. 1), both universities have negotiated and signed a joint education agreement. Starting from Grade 2010, Hainan University selects approximately 35 outstanding undergraduate students each year to participate in the joint education program with Tianjin University. This program follows the “1+2+1” training model, in which students study at Hainan University in their first year, study at Tianjin University in their second and third years, and return to Hainan University for their fourth year of study (for five-year programs, a “1+2+2” model is adopted, with the fourth and fifth years of study at Hainan University).

Students participating in the joint education program are enrolled in the corresponding classes at Tianjin University. Their graduation certificates and degree certificates are awarded by Hainan University, indicating the joint education between the two institutions and bearing the official seal of Tianjin University. To ensure the smooth transition of joint education students regarding course alignment, credit transfer, and examinations, both universities’ academic affairs offices have negotiated and formulated management documents, including “Memorandum on Handling Failing Courses for Jointly Cultivated Students” and “Management of Course Credits and Examinations for Students Participating in Joint Education Programs between Hainan University and Tianjin University”.

As of September 2023, Hainan University has selected a total of 433 outstanding undergraduate students (from 2010 to 2022 classes) to study in 28 corresponding majors at Tianjin University. Among the cohorts from 2014 to 2023, a total of 101 joint education graduates have received recommendations for postgraduate study.

Winter Interim

Hainan University has implemented a unique three-semester system reform characterized by the “Winter Interim” since 2008. It combines the last two weeks of the traditional autumn semester with the first week of the winter break, creating a three-week Winter Interim period. Leveraging Hainan’s unique climate and geographical advantages, the university invites renowned experts and scholars from both domestic and international backgrounds to provide lectures, allowing students to access high-quality educational resources. To date, the university has invited 1,406 experts and scholars, offered 1,021 courses, and organized 680 lectures.

In 2020, the university further reformed and deepened the teaching plan for the Winter Interim, aligning it with the needs of professional development. Core courses for various majors are systematically arranged during the Winter Interim, contributing to the development of top-level courses and disciplines. Thanks to the rich academic resources brought by high-level instructors during the Winter Interim, the university has made significant progress in professional and curriculum development. Currently, the university has established 45 national-level first-class programs, 15 provincial-level first-class programs, 6 national-level first-class courses, and 36 provincial-level first-class courses. Hainan University’s “Winter Interim” has achieved normalization, scalability, and brand recognition.

Due to the remarkable educational outcomes of Hainan University’s Winter Interim, the Hainan Provincial Department of Education issued the “Notice on the Trial Implementation of the ‘Winter Interim’ Semester System in Higher Education Institutions” in 2016 (Qiong Jiao Gao [2016] No. 44). This decision aimed to comprehensively promote the semester system reform experience of Hainan University’s Winter Interim. In 2019, the Winter Interim was recognized as an innovative institutional case in the province. It effectively enhances the quality of talent development and internationalization in higher education in Hainan, advancing the quality and efficiency of higher education in the region.
