Admission International Students Application Information Fees & Payment (RMB)
Fees & Payment (RMB)
Fees & Payment (RMB)

I. Standard
1. Application fee: 400 Yuan/RMB
Application fee should be paid when you submit your application materials; it is non-refundable.

2. Tuition fee
Types Tuition fee(yuan)
Non-Degree program Chinese Language Students One academic semester 8,050 yuan
One academic year 16,100 yuan
Degree programs Undergraduates One academic year Humanities Subject: 18,400 yuan
Science Subjects: 20,700yuan
Postgraduates One academic year Humanities Subject: 20,700 yuan
Science Subjects: 23,000 yuan
Doctors One academic year Humanities Subject: 23,000 yuan
Science Subjects: 25,300 yuan

(1) Hainan University provides preferential tuition fee for the offspring of overseas Hainanese: students for Ordinary Degree programs pay the same tuition fee as Chinese students do; and language students only pay 50% of the tuition fee.
(2) The standard of tuition fee is only for ordinary programs. The tuition fee of special undergraduate program is 73,000 yuan per academic year, and scholarships are unavailable.
(3) For exchange students, the fee is based on the agreement between Universities.

3. Accommodation fee
Types of Rooms Charges/semester Notes
single room(Building No. 15) 3,200yuan/person 1. Accommodation fee during winter and summer vacation is calculated separately according to the days.
2. The electricity and water fees are based on your usage, which you are responsible to pay.
Double room(Building No. 16) 1600yuan/person

4.Textbook fee
It is subject to the actual price of the textbooks.

5. Payment (two ways)
(1)By card to the appointed faculty office (only the card with Unionpay);
(2) By transfer(only for the transfer within China).
The bank account information is as follows:
Name: Hainan University
Account Bank: The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,
Hainan Provincial Branch, Haida Sub-branch
Account Number: 2201029429200051678
Note: Please note your name and passport No. onto the receipt when transferring. After you fulfill the payment, please keep the receipt and you need show it to the cashier.
II. Other costs for reference
1.Insurance: 800RMB/year; 400RMB/semester.
All international students are required to purchase the Comprehensive Insurance Plan of Foreign Students on the day of registration. Students who do not have valid medical insurance will not be allowed to register.
2. Health Check: Around 500 Yuan.
3. Cost of meals on campus: About 1500 Yuan/month.
