Admission Graduate Overview

Hainan university was approved as the first master's degree authorization point for Agricultural Product Processing and Storage Engineering in 1983, which has opened a new chapter of postgraduate education. In 1994, it was approved as the first authorization point for secondary-discipline doctoral degree in Crop Genetic Breeding. In 2000, it was approved as the first authorization point for first-discipline doctoral degree in Crop Science. The authorization category of doctoral degree in electronic information was approved in 2021, which was a breakthrough in the authorization category of doctoral degree. Up to now, the university has a total of 13 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points and one professional doctoral degree authorization point, 33 first-level discipline master’s degree authorization points and 24 professional master’s degree authorization points. Crop Science has been selected on the list of the construction of world-class disciplines for two consecutive rounds. Eight disciplines, such as Plant and Animal Science, Materials Science, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Engineering, Environmental Science/Ecology and Biology and Biochemistry, are on the top 1% of ESI worldwide. There are more than 2,600 postgraduate instructors and more than 12,100 postgraduates enrolled.

Focusing on the fundamental task of foster virtue through education, the university aims at comprehensively improving the quality of postgraduate cultivation. While deepening the reform of postgraduate enrollment system, the university has been strengthening the reform of postgraduate education and teaching, the declaration and construction of degree authorization points, , the reform of cultivation mode of professional degree postgraduates, the cultivation of talents in interdisciplinary disciplines and internationalized talents, and the construction of postgraduate education management system and mechanism so as to improve the teaching level of postgraduate education. Over the past three years, the university has carefully cultivated a large number of school-level projects in the areas of curriculums, teaching materials, educational reform, joint training bases for postgraduates, etc., and won 51 projects at the provincial level. it has been approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the China Association for Science and Technology to support the construction of 11 science and technology backyards, and 14 postgraduate workstations in Hainan Province. Moreover, 30 instructors and 14 instructor teams have been awarded the honorary title of “Outstanding Postgraduate Instructor in Hainan Province”, and ”“Outstanding Postgraduate Instructor Teams”. The postgraduate course Civil Procedure Law was approved as an exemplary course of curriculum-based ideological and political education by the Ministry of Education in 2021, along with the titles of teaching maters and teaching team.

The source quality of postgraduates has been rising year after year, and all postgraduates were enrolled with their first choices since 2022. The university has actively promoted the innovation and entrepreneurship education for postgraduates, and has won the annual average of 300 postgraduate innovation and scientific research projects in Hainan Province. In addition, it has won 110 awards in postgraduate innovation and practice competitions, which include the first “Star of Postgraduate Innovation and Practice” as the highest honorary award of China’s postgraduate innovation and practice competitions, and the grand prize in the Fifth China Postgraduates Public Management Case Competition. The university have been actively exploring the diversified, high-quality and characteristic paths for international cultivation of postgraduates. Through the Sino-foreign cooperative education, the implementation of the “National Construction of High-Level Universities Dispatching Postgraduates”, the “Innovative Talents International Cooperative Cultivation Program” and various programs of short-term exchanges abroad, as well as the organization of the “International Courses Week”, etc., the university has been active in promoting the internationalization of postgraduate education. Our postgraduates after graduation have been widely recognized and highly evaluated in society and among the employers.
