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Science and Technology Backyard

The Science and Technology Backyard is a postgraduate training mode and scientific and technological service platform, which organically combines talent training, scientific and technological innovation and social services. It is an educational platform for postgraduates and new farmers that meets the needs of modern agricultural development. It is a platform for displaying and applying the products of modern agro-industrial enterprises. It is a platform for agricultural technological innovation based on the production practices of farmers, which connects the achievements of poverty alleviation with the rural revitalization.

The function of the Science and Technology Backyard features residence research by scientific and technological personnel and postgraduate students, which serves the farmers and production. Realizing high crop (animal) yields and high resource efficiency, it guides farmers to carry out the high-yield and high-efficiency production to increase their incomes. Furthermore, it gradually promotes the cultural construction of the countryside and the change of the agricultural management system, exploring the road of sustainable development for modern agriculture.

There are 11 Science and Technology Backyards approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the China Association for Science and Technology at the university. More than 30 postgraduates have been stationed in each of these backyards, which involve around 10 major fields, such as agronomy and seed industry, resource utilization and plant protection, aquaculture, crop science, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, fishery development, and among others. In the daily management, the Postgraduate School is responsible for the organization and coordination of the professional degree postgraduates in all the Science and Technology Backyards. The school is responsible for the management of the instructors and postgraduates who carry out scientific and technological services in the Science and Technology Backyards.

“Hainan Special” Joint Postgraduate Training Program

Following the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and focusing on the South Propagation Silicon Valley and deep-sea science and technology, the university has actively carried out the joint enrollment and cultivation of postgraduates with universities stationed in Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City and Boao Hope City. It gives full play to the advantages of faculty and disciplines of the universities. While serving the “self-reliance of seed science and technology, independent and controllable source of seed” and the “construction of a strong oceanic country”, it accelerates the promotion of the construction of the South Propagation Silicon Valley and deep-sea science and technology, striving for the cultivation of a group of high-level talents to serve Hainan and develop Hainan.

In 2021, the university carried out the enrollment and cultivation for “Hainan special” joint postgraduate training program for the first time with the Hainan Province Real World Data Research Institute, Hainan University Sanya Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hainan Seed Innovation Research Institute, Sanya City, the National Salt Tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center, and Hainan University Sanya South Propagation Research Institute. There have been 264 postgraduates till 2023.

Two-One Plan

“Two-One Plan” refers to the special postgraduate training program that is based on “one postgraduate for one township” model for rural revitalization The vision is to cultivate a batch of talents for rural revitalization in Hainan as proposed by the Province and the university.

The goal of this program is to cultivate diversified international talents who are familiar with the trajectory of world agricultural development and the background and current situation of international rural revitalization. It also aims to cultivate the agricultural scientific and technological talents who are capable of solving the problems in rural revitalization. While helping the construction of the localities and the revitalization of villages, it carries out the practice and useful exploration for the order-type cultivation of the international elites for the rural revitalization in our country.

The program is based on a three-year master students in Agronomy and Seed Industry, and already recruited 40 postgraduates in 2022.

The program implements the postgraduate training model of “Three Scenarios”, "Six Sessions” and “Four Stages”. The “Three Scenarios” and “Six Sessions” cover a number of training sessions, including theoretical seminars, courses, experiments, internships, practices, working at temporary positions, innovation and entrepreneurship. “Four Stages” involve the trainings of preliminary research and training, course study, overseas training, and practical innovation.

The project emphasizes the local, leading and international characteristics, which closely integrates the cultivation of talents with the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. It plans to cultivate 200 composite leading talents with the international visions in five years, who are “willing to stay, useful, knowledgeable with agriculture, and loving the countrysideand farmers”. and have anFurther, it is expected to provide the intellectual, technological and talent supports for the enterprise of rural revitalization in Hainan.

Excellent Engineers College

Deepening the reform of training system of master’s and doctoral engineering program involves promoting the integration of industry and education. Following the strategic positioning of Hainan’s “three zones and one center”and the major strategic needs of Hainan Free Trade Port, Hainan University upgrades and reorganizes the original pilot class of excellent engineers into the Excellent Engineers College (Hainan Excellent Engineers College) after the preliminary field research and demonstration.

In the implementation process, the university will coordinate the internal and external high-quality educational resources. Focus will be concentrated on the new generation of petrochemical materials, green manufacturing, information technology, marine equipment, aerospace science and technology, and other fields of the key core technologies and major engineering problems. With the innovative education organization model and management system, it will build a college-enterprise joint training platform of“full chain design, whole element configuration, whole process cultivation” for engineering masters and doctors, building a demonstration area for excellence engineering talent training in Hainan Free Trade Port. While serving the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, it strives for training a large number of engineers, engineering managers and engineering scientists with a sense of nationalism, the outstanding engineering and technological innovation ability, and the adeptness in solving complex engineering problems, who have a broad international horizon, are arerooted in the front line of engineering practice and production.
