Admission Graduate Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Academic Degree Professional Degree
Description: As of September 14, 2023, the university has a total of 13 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degree, 1 professional doctoral authorization point (category), 33 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degree and 24 professional master authorization points (categories); the university's disciplinary structure has been further optimized and perfected, and the layout has become more scientific and reasonable, forming a high-level talent cultivation system of multi-levels and multi-types.
Category No. Code of category Name of category
First-level Discipline Doctoral authorization point
1 0301 Law
2 0305 Marxist Theory
3 0710 Biology
4 0713 Ecology
5 0805 Materials Science & Engineering
6 0810 Information and Communication Engineering
7 0814 Civil Engineering
8 0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology
9 0831 Biomedical Engineering
10 0832 Food Science and Engineering
11 0839 Cyberspace Security
12 0901 Crop Science
13 1202 Business Administration
First-level Discipline Master authorization point
1 0101 Philosophy
2 0202 Applied Economics
3 0301 Law
4 0302 Politology
5 0305 Marxist Theory
6 0501 Chinese Language and Literature
7 0502 Foreign Languages and Literature
8 0701 Mathematics
9 0710 Biology
10 0713 Ecology
11 0802 Mechanical
12 0805 Materials Science & Engineering
13 0810 Information and Communication Engineering
14 0812 Computer Science and Technology
15 0814 Civil Engineering
16 0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology
17 0830 Environmental Science and Engineering
18 0831 Biomedical Engineering
19 0832 Food Science and Engineering
20 0839 Cyberspace Security
21 0901 Crop Science
22 0902 Horticulture
23 0903 Agricultural Resources and Environment
24 0904 Plant Protection
25 0905 Animal Science
26 0907 Forestry
27 0908 Aquaculture
28 1007 Pharmacy
29 1201 Management Science and Engineering
30 1202 Business Administration
31 1203 Management of Agricultural Economy
32 1204 Public Management
33 1301 Art

Description:As of September 14, 2023, the university has a total of 13 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degree, 1 doctoral professional degree authorization point (category), 33 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degree and 24 master's professional degree authorization points (categories); the university's disciplinary structure has been further optimized and perfected, and the layout has become more scientific and reasonable, forming a high-level talent cultivation system of multi-levels and multi-types.
Category No. Code of category Name of category
Professional master's degree
1 0854 Electronic Information
Professional master's degree
1 0251 Finance
2 0254 International Business
3 0351 Law
4 0551 Translation
5 0552 Journalism and Communication
6 0854 Electronic Information
7 0855 Machinery
8 0856 Materials and Chemicals
9 0859 Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy
10 0860 Biology and Medicine
11 0951 Agriculture
12 0952 Veterinary Surgeon
13 0862 Landscape Architecture
14 0954 Forestry
15 1055 Pharmacy
16 1251 Business Administration
17 1252 Public Management
18 1253 Accounting
19 1254 Tourism Management
20 1255 Library and Information
21 1352 Music
22 1353 Dance
23 1354 Drama and Film and Television
24 1357 Design
