
1.2020年 海南省高层次领军人才
5.Toxics期刊《污染场地生态重建与安全风险评估》的专刊Guest editor
12.第七届中国国际“互联网+ ”大学生创新创业大赛 评审专家
13.第八届中国国际“互联网+ ”大学生创新创业大赛 评审专家
16.2016-2018年度 《农业环境科学学报》优秀审稿人
17.2018-2020年度 《农业环境科学学报》优秀审稿人
28.2023年海南省企业科技特派员(2023年2月- 2025年2月 )
主要研究领域城乡物质循环中生源要素在生物地球化学循环迁移转化关键节点上的人为调控。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和海南省科技计划项目等纵向项目多项;已经结题国家科技支撑计划项目专题;福建省引导性(重点)项目及科技计划项目等纵向项目6项;企业横向项目13项;作为科研骨干参与中科院战略先导专项、中科院重点方向性项目、科技支撑计划项目和国家基金项目等10余项。在Science of The Total Environment、Bioresourse Technology、Journal of Environmental Management、Fuel Processing Technology、Chemosphere等国内外期刊发表论文70余篇;指导已毕业研究生8位(其中博士3位);现指导博士后2位,博士研究生2位,硕士研究生6位。目前为《Toxics》、《亚热带植物科学》编委,Science of The Total Environment、Chemosphere,和《环境科学》《农业环境科学学报》《农业资源与环境学报》等30余期刊杂志的审稿专家;国家自然科学基金委项目评审库专家、巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心化学品与废物环境管理智库专家;获得海南省委组织部、中国地理信息产业产业协会、中共三亚市委三亚市人民政府等单位的多次表彰。
2002/09- 2008/02中国科学院大学/中国科学院植物研究所(硕博)
2008/03- 2017/05中国科学院城市环境研究所 实习研究员 助理研究员、副研究员
2000/07- 2002.08云南省生态农业研究所 实习研究员
2.2019年获批海南省院士团队创新中心[余运波等(贺泓院士团队)优秀] 2023年绩效考核奖励: 90万(主持) 。
4.农业农村部:海南省2023年度农田地膜残留国控监测任务(项目号:经费:8.064万;时间:2023.07-2023.11; 主持)
5.农业农村部:海南省2023年度农产品产地土壤环境国控监测采样任务(项目号:经费:4.83万;时间:2023.07-2023.11; 主持)
6.海口市重点科技计划项目:陈腐垃圾腐殖土资源化利用及其减污降碳协同增效研究(项目号:2023-14:项目总投资267万,项目获批财政经费40万/16万;时间:2023.08-2024.08; 参与)
7.海南省重点研发项目:生活垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化利用技术研究与示范(项目号:ZDYF2022SHFZ322。经费:36.45 /243万.时间:2022.9-2025.9,课题负责人)
9.中国工程科技发展战略海南研究院咨询研究项目:海南交通运输新型能源产业发展关键技术战略研究(项目号:22-HN-XZ-03,经费80万,2022.4- 2023.4,参与)
10.海南省教育厅:科教产教同步融合的固废处理一流课程建设探索与实践(项目编号:Hnjgzc2022-3;经费:3.6万,2022.1 -2023. 12;主持)
13.企业项目:餐厨垃圾的安全处理与利用(项目编号:HD-KYH-2020084;经费:36万,执行期:2020. 08. 30- 2023.08.30,主持)。
14.海南省自然科学基金项目:基于养分回收的种苗基质开发(项目号:319MS008,10万,执行期2019.03- 2021.12,主持)。
18.国家自然科学基金面上项目:生物炭回收畜禽沼液中氮磷及其生物有效性的调控机理研究(项目号:41571288, 75.2万,执行期2016.01- 2019.12,主持)。
21.厦门市集美区政府区委办项目:集美区现代生态休闲农业现状与发展对策研究 (3万,执行期2015.07.—2015.12,主持)
22.如意情集团股份有限公司:基于农业废弃物利用的蔬菜种苗基质及营养土的开发研究(40万,执行期2012.12.12 —2015.12.11,主持)
23.昆明青龙景观工程有限公司:昆明薰衣草产业化关键技术示范开发研究(55万,执行期2013.04.05—2016.12.31, 主持)
24.福建省宇力农业开发有限公司:芽苗菜绿色无公害蔬菜标准化生产技术开发研究(40万,执行期2014.04-2016.04, 主持)
26.科技部十二五科技支撑计划项目:福建红壤区生态修复和持续经营关键技术集成与示范(2014BAD15B00;529万,2014.01-2017.12);参与专题: 崩岗侵蚀区生态修复关键技术集成与示范(2014BAD15B03,189万,2014.01-2017.12, 参与 )
27.中科院重点项目:城市污泥制备生物炭成套技术与示范(KZZD-EW-16;800万,2013.06-2016.06);参与专题:污泥生物炭安全评价与利用技术研究(KZZD-EW-16-02;200万,2013.06-2016.06;参与 )
29.海南省重大科技计划项目:海南农业面源污染减排技术研究与示范(ZDKJ2017002)课题1:海南稻菜轮作制度下农业面源污染减排技术研究与示范中的“重金属污染场地修复技术示范”专题。(专题项目经费:40万,执行期:2017.01.01 - 2019.12.31)
1.Muhammad Amjad Khan:2021.04~2023.04, E-mail:amjadkhan_best@yahoo.com。
2.李栋:2021.09~2023.09, E-mail:lidong0403@163.com。
3.金鑫:2023.07- 2025.07,E-mail:jinxinhainan@163.com。
1.Aftab Ali Kubar,2017.09-2021.06: E-mail:aftabali2017@yahoo.com。
4.Rafia Zainab, 2022.09- 2026.07。E-mail:rafiaz160@gmail.com。
8.Gul Sumaira:2020.09- 2023.07。E-mail:gsumaira831@gmail.com。
10.赵洋:2021.09- 2024.07。E-mail:zhaoyang1376@163.com。
11.黄丰烁:2021.09- 2024.07。E-mail:fengshuo20210305@163.com。
1.Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Yu Zhang, Jiaxin Yin, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Qingqing Wang, Kenlin Chang, Ondřej Mašek, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu, Wenchao Ma, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G. Gouda,Qing Huang*.2023.Assessing the suitability of municipal sewage sludge and coconut bran as breeding medium forOryza sativaL. seedlings and developing a standardized substrate.Journal of Environmental Management:344:118644.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118644【中科院大区1区,IF= 8.7,Top期刊】
2.Xuesong Su, Jizu He, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Kenlin Chang, Yin Liu, Genmao Guo, Xiaohui Li*,Fangming Jin, Meijuan Kuang, Shaban Gouda,Qing Huang*,2023.Potential application performance of hydrochar from kitchen waste: Effects of salt, oil, moisture, and pH.toxics. 11, 679.https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics11080679.【中科院大区3区,IF=4.6,SCI期刊】
3.Junlei Zhan, Feixue Zheng, Rongfu Xie, Jun Liu, Biwu Chu, Jinzhu Ma, Donghai Xie, Xinxin Meng,Qing Huang, Hong He, Yongchun Liu.2023.The role of NOxin Co-occurrence of O3and PM2.5pollution driven by wintertime east Asian monsoon in Hainan.Journal of Environmental Management.345.118654.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118645【中科院大区1区,IF= 8.7,Top期刊】
4.Muhammad Sajjad,Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Javed Nawab, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Abid Ali, Rahman Ullah, Aftab Ali Kubar, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Yaseen, Maryam Sajjad.2023.Methods for the removal and recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients from animal waste: A critical review .Acta Ecologica Sinica.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chnaes.2023.05.003
5.Genmao Guo; Linyi Lin; Fangming Jin; Ondřej Mašek;Qing Huang*.2023.Application of heavy metal immobilization in soil by biochar using machine learning.Environmental Research.231:116098.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116098【中科院大区2区,IF= 8.431,Top期刊】
6.Qingqing Wang, Shiyang Wei, Yang Zhou, Ondřej Mašek, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Dong Li, Quan Liu, Yin Liu, Wenkang Lu, Xuesong Su, Zhiqiang Zhu, Xiaojun Zhao, Yang Bai, Xiaohui Li, Fangming Jin, Junfeng Wang,Qing Huang*.2023.Rhizosphere effect on the relationship between dissolved organic matter and functional genes in contaminated soil.Journal of Environmental Management.:343:118118.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118118.【中科院大区1区,IF= 8.910,Top期刊】
7.Genmao Guo, Yuan He, Fangming Jin, Ondřej Mašek,Qing Huang*.2023.Application of life cycle assessment and machine learning for the production and environmental sustainability assessment of hydrothermal bio-oil.Bioresource Technology:379:129027.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129027【中科院1区,IF= 11.889,Top期刊】
8.Muhammad Amjad Khan*, Javed Nawab, Anwarzeb Khan, Mark L. Brusseau, Shah Nawaz Khan, Neelum Ali, Saraj Bahadur, Sardar Khan*,Qing Huang*.2023.Humanhealth andecologicalrisksassociated withtotal andbioaccessibleconcentrations ofcadmium andlead inurbanparksoils.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 110: 61.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-023-03703-x.【中科院4区,IF= 2.807】
9.YinLiu,Matthias C.Rillig,QuanLiu,JingjingHuang,MuhammadAmjadKhan,XiaohuiLi,QinLiu,QingqingWang,Xuesong Su,LinyiLin,YangBai,GenmaoGuo,Yi Huang,Yong SikOk,ShanHu,JunfengWang,HonggangNi,Qing Huang*.2023.Factors affecting the distribution of microplastics in soils of China.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.17(9):110.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-023-1710-4【中科院2区,IF= 6.048】
10.Muhammad Amjad Khan, Sunjeet Kumar, Qingqing Wang, Mengzhao Wang, Shah Fahad, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Kenlin Chang, Sardar Khan,Qing Huang*, Guopeng Zhu*.2023.Influence of polyvinyl chloride microplastic on chromium uptake and toxicity in sweet potato.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 251, 114526.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.114526.【中科院大区2区,小区毒理学1区,IF= 7.129,Top期刊】
11.Muhammad Amjad Khan,Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Qingqing Wang, Jingjing Huang, Muhammad Sajjad, Yin Liu, Ondřej Mašek, Xiaohui Li, Junfeng Wang, Xiaomao Song.2023.Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in tropical soils and their relationship with contributing factors.Journal of Environmental Management.328:117006.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117006.【中科院大区1区,IF= 8.910,Top期刊】
12.Genmao Guo,Qing Huang*, Fangming Jin, Linyi Lin, Qingqing Wang, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu,Muhammad Sajjad, Junfeng Wang, Zhenni Liao,Miao Cai.2022.Exploration of the interrelationship within biomass pyrolysis liquid composition based on multivariate analysis.Molecules.27, 5656.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27175656.【中科院2区,IF= 4.927,Top期刊】
13.Tasneem Sarwar, Sardar Khan*, Javed Nawab*, Said Muhammad, Shehla Amin, Janas Khan, Adnan Sarwar, Iqbal Haider,Qing Huang*.2022.Arsenic speciation in rice, mechanisms and associated health risk through rice consumption in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.Exposure and Health.491. 12403.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12403-022-00491-3【中科院2区,IF= 8.835,Top期刊】
14.Arun Krishna Vuppaladadiyam, Sai Sree Varsha Vuppaladadiyam, Abhishek Awasthic,Abhisek Sahoo, Shazia Rehman,Kamal Kishore Pant, S. Murugavelh,Qing Huang, Edward Anthony,Paul Fennel, Sankar Bhattacharya,Shao-YuanLeu.2022.Biomass pyrolysis: A review on recent advancements and green hydrogen production.Bioresource Technology. 364, 128087.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128087【中科院1区,IF= 11.889,Top期刊】
15.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Jiaxin Wang, Huashou Li, Junhao Qin, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G.Gouda, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Wenkang Lu, Yang Zhao, Shan Hu, Junfeng Wang.2022.Temporal variation of the coupling relationship between functional guilds and biogeochemical process in soil-microbes-rice system.Chemosphere. 303,135099.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.135099【中科院2区,IF= 8.943,Top期刊】
16.Aftab Ali Kubar,Qing Huang*, Kashif Ali Kubar, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Muhammad Sajjad, Sumaira Gul, Chen Yang, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo, Ghulam Mustafa Kubar, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho.2022.Ammonium and phosphate recovery from biogas slurry in relation to multivariate statistical analysis.Sustainability.14, 5617.https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095617【中科院3区,IF= 3.889】
17.Abdoulaye Boré,Jicui Cui,Zhuoshi Huang,Qing Huang,Johann Fellner,Wenchao Ma.2022.Monitored air pollutants from waste-to-energy facilities in China: Human health risk, and buffer distance assessment.Atmospheric Pollution Research.13. 101484.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2022.101484【中科院3区,IF= 4.831】
18.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Jiaxin Wang, Huashou Li, Junhao Qin, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G.Gouda, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Wenkang Lu, Yang Zhao, Shan Hu, Junfeng Wang.2022.Ecological circular agriculture: A case study evaluating biogas slurry applied to rice in two soils.Chemosphere.301, 134628.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134628【中科院2区,IF= 8.943,Top期刊】
19.Pengfei Chen, Renjie Yang, Yuhou Pei, Yang Yang, Jiong Cheng, Daoping He,Qing Huang,Heng Zhong*, Fangming Jin**.2022. Hydrothermal synthesis of similar mineral-sourced humic acid from food waste and the role of protein.Science of the Total Environment.828.154440.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154440【中科院1区,IF= 10.753,Top期刊】
20.Quan Liu,Qing Huang*,Youcai Zhao, Yin Liu, Qingqing Wang,Muhammad Amjad Khan,Xuyang Che,Xiaohui Li,Yang Bai, Xuesong Su,Linyi Lin,Yang Zhao, Ying Chen, Junfeng.Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was detected in MSWI plant: An investigation of DOM and potential toxic elements variation in the bottom ash and fly ash.Science of the Total Environment.828.154339.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154339.【中科院1区,IF= 10.753,Top期刊】
21.Genmao Guo,Qing Huang*,Fangming Jin, Qingqing Wang, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu, Ying Chen, Junfeng Wang, Ju Zhang.2022.Separation of high added-value chemical compositions derived from biomass pyrolysis liquid via sequential multi-step pH adjustment.Fuel Processing Technology.230:107216.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2022.107216【中科院1区,IF= 8.129,Top期刊】
22.Muhammad Sajjad,Qing Huang*,Sardar Khan, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Liu Yin, Junfeng Wang, Faqin Lian, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo.2022.Microplastics in the soil environment: A critical review.Environmental Technology & Innovation. 27:102408.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2022.102408【中科院2区,IF= 7.758】
23.Yin Liu, Wen Hu,Qing Huang*,Jiemin Qin, Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xiaohui Li, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu.2022.Plastic mulch debris in rhizosphere: Interactions with soil-microbe-plant systems.Science of the Total Environment. 807.151435.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151435【中科院1区,IF= 10.753,Top期刊】
24.Changheng Li,Qing Huang*, Haixiang Zhang, Qingqing Wang, Rixin Xue, Genmao Guo, Jie Hu, Tinghang Li, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu.2021.Characterization of biochars produced by co-pyrolysis of Hami melon (cantaloupes) straw mixed with polypropylene and their adsorption properties of cadmium.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18;11413.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111413【中科院3区,IF= 4.614】
25.Zhenni Liao,Qing Huang*,Qiming Cheng, Sardar Khan, Xiaoying Yu.2021.Seasonal variation in chemical compositions of essential oils extracted from Lavandin flowers in the Yun-Gui plateau of China.Molecules. 26, 5639.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26185639【中科院2区,IF= 4.927,Top期刊】
26.Xiuming Ding,Junfeng Wang*,Qing Huang*, Shan Hu, Yuejun Wu, Luya Wang.2021.The effects of the waste cement on the bioavailability, mobility and leaching of cadmium in soils.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.18(16), 8885.https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph18168885【中科院3区,IF= 4.614】
27.Wang Qingqing,Huang Qing*,Wang Jiaxin, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Guo Genmao, Liu Yin, Hu Shan, Jin Fangming, Wang Junfeng , Yu Yunbo.2021.Dissolved organic carbon drives nutrient cycling via microbial community in paddy soil.Chemosphere.285. 131472.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131472【中科院2区,IF= 8.943,Top期刊】
28.Zhou Jingya, Yin Shouyi, Fu Qionglin, Wang Qingqing,Huang Qing,Wang Junfeng.2021.Microbial-induced concrete corrosion under high-salt conditions: Microbial community composition and environmental multivariate association analysis.InternationalBiodeterioration&Biodegradation.164. 105287.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2021.105287【中科院2区,IF= 4.907】
29.Aftab Ali Kubar,Huang Qing*,Muhammad Sajjad, Yang Chen, Lian Faqin, Junfeng Wang, Kashif Ali Kubar.2021.Recovery of phosphate and ammonium from the biogas slurry as value added fertilizer by biochar and struvite co-precipitation.Sustainability.13(7), 3827.
https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073827【中科院3区,IF= 3.889】
30.Genmao Guo, Qingqing Wang,Qing Haung*, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu, Ondřej Mašek, Luya Wang, Ju Zhang.2021. Effect ofpyrolysistemperature oncharacterisation ofdissolvedorganicmatter frompyroligneousacid.Molecules.2021,26, 3416.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26113416【中科院2区,IF= 4.927,Top期刊】
31.Yin Liu,Qing Huang*,Wen Hu, Jiemin Qin,Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang**, Qingqing Wang,Yuxin Xu, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu, Li Xu.2021.Effects of plastic mulch film residues on soil-microbe-plant systems under different soil pH conditions.Chemosphere.267:128901.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128901【中科院2区,IF= 8.943,Top期刊】
32.Faqin Lian,Shuai Gao,Qionglin Fu,Yuejun Wu,Junfeng Wang,Qing Huang,Shan Hu*.2021.A comprehensive study of phosphorus removal and recovery with a Fe-loaded sulfoaluminate cement (FSC) adsorbent.Journal of Water Process Engineering.39:101744.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101744【中科院2区,IF= 7.340】
33.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Genmao Guo, Jiemin Qin, Junyi Luo, Zhiqiang Zhu, Yi Hong, Yuxin Xu, Shan Hu, Wen Hu, Chen Yang,Junfeng Wang**.2020.Reducing bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soil and uptake by maize using organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer.Chemosphere.261. 128122.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128122【中科院2区,IF= 8.943,Top期刊】
34.Ken-Lin Chang, Xi-Mei Chen, Xiao-Qin Wang, Ye-Ju Han, Laddawan Potprommanee, Jing-yong Liu, Yu-Ling Liao, Xun-an Ning, Shui-yu Sun,Qing Huang*.2017.Impact of surfactant type for ionic liquid pretreatment on enhancing delignification of rice straw.Bioresource Technology.227: 388—392.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2016.11.085【中科院1区,IF= 11.889,Top期刊】
35.Qiming Cheng ,Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Yingjie Liu, Zhenni Liao, Gang Li, Yong Sik OK.2016.Adsorption of Cd by peanut husks and peanut husk biochar from aqueous solutions.Ecological Engineering.87: 240-245.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.11.045【中科院2区,IF= 4.379】
36.Xiaoyan Zou, Penghui Li,Qing Huang, Hongwu Zhang.2016.Different response mechanisms ofWolffia globosa: Understanding of illumination-induced silver nanoparticles toxicity.Aquatic Toxicology.176 : 97–105.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.04.019
37.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Muhammad Aamir, Isha Shamshad, Zahir Qamar, Islam-ud-Din,Qing Huang*.2016.Organic amendments impact the availability of heavy metal(loid)s in mine-impacted soil and their phytoremediation byPenisitum americanumandSorghum bicolor.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.23:2381–2390.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-015-5458-7
38.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah, Zahir Qamar, Islamud Din, Qaisar Mahmood, Nayab Gul,Qing Huang*.2015.Contamination of soil, medicinal, and fodder plants with lead and cadmium present in mine-affected areas, Northern Pakistan.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187:605-618.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-015-4807-9
39.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah, Kifayatullah Khan,Qing Huang*,Roshan Alie.2015.Quantification of heavy metals in mining affected soil and their bioaccumulation in native plant species.International Journal of Phytoremediation. 17: 801-813.https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2014.981246
40.Javed Nawab,Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah,Nayab Gul,Abid Ali, Kifayatullah Khan,Qing Huang*.2015.Heavy metal bioaccumulation in native plants in chromite impacted sites: A search for effective remediating plant species.Clean -Soil, Air, Water. 43(9999): 1-10.https://doi.org/10.1002/clen.201400605
41.Laddawan Potprommanee, Xiao-Qin Wang, Ye-Ju Han, Didonc Nyobe, Yen-Ping Peng,Qing Huang,Jing-yong Liu, Yu-Ling Liao, Ken-Lin Chang*.2017.Characterization of a thermophilic cellulase fromGeobacillussp. HTA426, an efficient cellulase-Producer on alkali pretreated of lignocellulosic biomass.PLOS ONE.12(4): e0175004.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175004.
42.Muhammad Waqas, Sardar Khan,Huang Qing,Brian J. Reid, Cai Chao.2014.The effects of sewage sludge and sewage sludge biochar on PAHs and potentially toxic element bioaccumulation inCucumis sativaL.Chemosphere. 105: 53-61.
43.Ruilun Zheng, Zheng Chen, Chao Cai, Baiqing Tie, Xiaoli Liu, Brian J. Reid,Qing Huang,Ming Lei, Guoxin Sun , Edita Baltrėnaitė.2015.Mitigating heavy metal accumulation into rice (Oryza sativaL.) using biochar amendment — a field experiment in Hunan, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.22(14): 11097-11108.
44.Xiao-Qiong Wu, Xing-Wen Wu,Qing Huang,Jiang-Shan Shen, Hong-Wu Zhang.2015.Synthesized gold nanoparticles in hydrogels for catalytic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds.Applied Surface Science.331: 210–218.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.077
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.04.015
46.廖祯妮,黄青*,程启明,李晓鹏,刘恩学,于晓英.于进英.2014.云南两个薰衣草品种精油分析.天然产物研究与开发. 26(4):544-549。
47.廖祯妮,黄青*,程启明,于晓英,李晓鹏,刘恩学.2014.不同株龄薰衣草花生物性状和精油主要化学成分研究.植物科学学报. 32(5):517-521。
DOI: 10. 11913 /PSJ. 2095-0837. 2014. 50517
49.程启明,黄青*,廖祯妮,杨建文,吴道聪,苏丽.2015.加速溶剂萃取-气相色谱/质谱法测定灯盏花及其土壤中阿特拉津和二甲戊乐灵残留.分析科学学报. 31(1):115-118。
50.程启明,黄青*,廖祯妮,苏丽,刘兴强,唐剑锋.2015.厦门杏林湾水系表层沉积物中PAHs分析与风险评估.环境科学. 36(1):179-185。
51.王嘉鑫,黄青*,赵小芳,许雨昕.2019.沼液在水稻生产中的资源化利用及效益综述.湖南农业科学. (9):114-120.DOI:10.16498/j.cnki.hnnykx.2019.009.029
52.郭根茂,黄青*,王青青,王麓雅,刘银,刘权,苏雪松.热解温度、原料与木醋液组分的多元统计分析——基于实验与文献数据研究.天然产物研究与开发.2021. 33(8). 1371-1381.https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/51.1335.Q.20210510.1613.002.htmlDOI:10.1633/j.1001-6880.2021.8.013
53.刘权,王麓雅,车旭阳,王哲,黄青*.国内外垃圾分类对海南省生活垃圾分类的启示[J].环境保护与循环经济. 2021.41(08):14-17,36。doi:1674-1021(2021)08-0014-04
Resume of Dr. &Prof. Qing Huang
Name:Qing Huang,
Title:Professor, Doctoral supervisor (including master supervisor)
Leading talents of Hainan province high level talents
Professional:Environment Science and Engineering
Phone:+86 155 9578 5619
Schoolof Ecology & Environment,
Hainan University
No.58 Ren-min Avenue, Haikou, 570228, China
Mainly research field
Professor Huang Qing engaging in solid waste management and disposal engineering research in tropical region, and inquire into dissolved organic carbon in the biogeochemical cycling mechanism and environmental engineering control measures. Dr. Huang Qing study about the way to protect the ecological environment and the high value ecological agriculture in the tropical area.
With the utilization of urban and rural waste resources in agriculture and the development of environmental protection materials, the application of waste in the cultivation of facilities is promoted, and the remediation and pollution control projects of related contaminated sites are actively carried out.
Academic Background
2002.9-2008.1, The State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany; Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science; obtained Doctor of science degree.
1996.9-2000.6, Department of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, obtained Bachelor of agronomy degree.
Professional Background
2017.6- Present date: Professor, Ph.D supervisor of Ecology, and Master supervisor of Environment Science and Engineering and ResourceUtilization andPlantProtection (EnvironmentalResources andUtilization),College of Ecology & Environment, Hainan University.
2008.3- 2017.5: Work as the research associate in the Institute of Urban Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2007.3- 2002.8: Work as the probationer in the InstituteEcologicalAgriculture of Yunnan Province.
Obtained Memberships
1.Leading talents of Hainan province high level talents;
2.Editorial board member of Journal of Subtropical Plant Science;
3. Director of Academician He Hong's Team Innovation Center of Hainan Province;
4. Editorial Board Member Frontiers in Microbiology;
5. Expert of the science and technology project evaluation base of the Ministry of Science and Technology the People's Republic of China;
6.Experts in the evaluation database of NSFC;
7. Expert of the Shennong Talents in Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affiairs of the peoples's Republilc of China;
8. Experts in the project review database of the Department of science and technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous;
9. Experts in the project review database of the Department of science and technology of Hainan Province;
10. Member of expert database of Hainan Provincial Department of ecological environment;
11. The seventh China International "Internet plus" college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition expert;
12. The eighth China International "Internet plus" college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition expert;
13. Reviewer of Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Ecological Engineering, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Biological Trace Element Research, Environmental Technology & Innovation, and Journal of Agro-environment Science (Chinese journal), Environmental Science (Chinese journal), et al.;
14. Reviewer of the Academic Degree and Graduate Education Center of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China;
15. Excellent reviewers of Journal of agricultural environmental sciences from 2016 to 2018;
16. Excellent reviewers of Journal of agricultural environmental sciences from 2018 to 2020;
17. 2018 science and Technology Commissioner of Fujian Province;
18. 2019 science and Technology Commissioner of Fujian Province;
19. Hainan science and Technology Commissioner (2019-2022);
20. Expert, think tank on environmental management of chemicals and wastes, Basel Convention Asia Pacific Regional Center( September, 2021 till today);
21. Reviewer of Academic Talent Pool of Academic Bridge;
22.China Association of Geographic Information Industry: Second Prize of Geographic Information Science and Technology Progress Award (Preface 9): Analysis platform for farmland pollution assessment and agricultural product safety prevention and control based on multi-source remote sensing data fusion: Certificate No.: 2022-02-09. Date: August 11, 2022;
23. Member of Hainan Chief Legal Advisory Expert Pool (Ecological Environment,since September 2022)
24. Honorary Certificate for Volunteer Service of the Organization Department of Hainan
25. Serving as members of Science and Technology of Hainan Provincial Enterprise in 2023 (February 2023 - February 2025)
1.Muhammad Amjad Khan:April, 2021 to April, 2023.
2.Dong Li: August, 2021 to August, 2023.
3.Xin Jin: July, 2023 to June, 2025
Dr. Students cultivation
1.Aftab Ali Kubar, graduate student, 2017-2021
2.Qingqing Wang, graduate student, 2018-2021
3.Muhammad Sajjad,graduate student, 2018-2022
4.Changheng Li,graduate student, 2017-2021
5.Rafia Zainab,graduate student,2022- 2026
Master student cultivation
1.Jinying Yu, graduated in Jun, 2012[co-supervisor ].
2.Zhenni Liao, graduated in Jun, 2014[co-supervisor ].
3.Qiming Cheng, graduated in Jun, 2014[co-supervisor ].
4.Genmao Guo, 2018-2021, graduated in June, 2021.
5.Yin Liu, 2019-2022, graduated in June, 2022.
6.Quan Liu, 2019-2022, graduated in June, 2022.
7.Xuesong Su, Master student,2020-2023.
8.Gul Sumair,Master student, 2020-2023.
9.Linyi Lin, Master student, 2021-2024.
10.Yang Zhao,Master student, 2021-2024[co-supervisor ].
11.Fengshuo Huang,Master student, 2021-2024[co-supervisor ].
12.Xueya Li,Master student, 2021-2024.
13.Tianmu Peng,Master student, 2021-2024.
14.Yuan He,2021-2024[co-supervisor ].
Recruit excellent students and excellent post-doctor all around the year.
Postdoctoral:Ecological postdoctoral research center
Doctor:Ecology/ Environment science
Master:Environmental science and engineering [Master of academic degree], resource utilization and plant protection (environmental resources and utilization) [Master of professional degree]
We sincerely invite young people who are interested in solid waste treatment and resource utilization research, ecological reconstruction and safety risk assessment of contaminated sites to joinour team.
Recentlyyears projects:
1.Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China:Study on the Regulation Mechanism of Typical Soluble Organic Matter on the Forms of Cadmium and Arsenic in Paddy and Drought Rotation Farmland. (Project No.: 423RC430,Fund of Project:80, 000RMB.Period of Project:2023.02-2024.12).
2.Approved by the Hainan Provincial Academician Team Innovation Center in 2019 [Outstanding by Yu Yunbo et al. (Academician He Hong's Team)] 2023 Performance Assessment Award: 900,000RMB.
3.Project of the Science and Technology Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:Monitoring andtechnicalevaluation offilmpollution in Hainan (Project No.13230058, Funding: 200,000RMB.Period of Project:2023.03-2023.12)
4.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:Nationalcontrol andmonitoringtask foragriculturalfilmresidues in Hainan Province in 2023 (Project No.: Funding: 806,400RMB;Period of Project:2023. 07-2023.11)
5.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:2023nationalmonitoring andsamplingtask forsoilenvironment inagriculturalproductproductionareas in Hainan Province (Project No.:Fund:48,300RMB;Period of Project:2023.07-2023.11)
6.Haikou Key Science and Technology Plan Project:Research on theresourceutilization ofrottenwastehumussoil anditssynergisticefficiency ofpollution andcarbonreduction (Project No.: 2023-14: Totalinvestment of 2.67 million, Approvedfinancialfunds of 400,000/160,000RMB;Period of Project:2023.08-2024.08)
7.Key R&D project in Hainan Province:research and demonstration of domestic waste incineration fly ash recycling technology (Project No.: ZDYF2022SHFZ322,Fund of Project:2, 450, 000/365, 000RMB,Period of Project:2022.09-2025.09).
8.2022 scientific research project of Hainan academician innovation platform:Sensitivity analysis and control strategy research of ozone pollution in Hainan Province (Key research and development of special academician platform project)(Fund of Project:2 millionRMB,Period of Project:2022.01-2025.12;Co-chairedby he Hong academician /Huang Qing)
9.Projectof the Department of Science, Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas: Monitoring of farmland plastic film and non-point source pollution. (Project No.13210133,Fund of Project:300, 000RMB.Period of Project:2021.6 - 2022.6)
10.Enterprise project:Safe treatment and utilization of food waste.(Project No.HD-KYH-2020084;Period of Project:2020. 08. 30- 2023.08.30;Fund of Project:360,000 RMB).
11.Hainan University D talent research start project:The impact of disposable plastic residues on the migration and transformation mechanism of nitrogen and phosphorus in winter melon and vegetable soil in Hainan.(Project No.KYQD(ZR)20032,Period of Project:2019.10-2022.09;Fund of Project:500,000 RMB)
12.Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China: Development of Seedling Matrix Based on Nutrient Recovery(Project No.319MS008,Period of Project:2019.3-2021.12,Fund of Project:100,000 RMB)
13.National Nature Science Foundation of China (NNSFC).Study on biochar to recover nitrogen and phosphorous from biogas slurry mechanism and its plant-availability. (Project No.41571288,Period of Project:2016.1-2019.12,Fund of Project:752,000 RMB)
14.National Science and Technology Support Program of China’s project.Southeast China suburb environmental conservation key technology research development, integration and demonstration.(Project No.2014BAD14B04,Period of Project:2014-2017,Fund of Project:1,000,000 RMB)
15.Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Deployment Project.The application and safety evaluation of sewage sludge biochar.(Project No.KZZD-EW-16-02,Period of Project:2013-2016,Fund of Project:800,000 RMB)
16.Fujian science and technology guided direction project.Production and application of slow release nutrients seedling substrate based on city and peri urban organic wastes derived biochar. (ProjectNo.2015Y0084,Period of Project:2015-2018,Fund of Project:150,000 RMB).
17.Xiamen science and technology plans project.Research and development of vegetable seedling substrate and nutrient soil based on the utilization of agricultural waste.(Project No.3502Z20152007.Period of Project:2014-2017,Fund of Project:100,000 RMB).
18.Xiamen science and technology plans project.Investigation on the classification and yield of domestic waste in Jimei county. (Project No..Period of Project:2013-2014,Fund of Project:20,000 RMB).
19.Kunming Qinglong Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. plans project.Research on the key technology of the development of Kunming industrialization demonstration of lavender.(Project No. ----.Period of Project:2013-2016,Fund of Project:300,000 RMB).
1.Genmao Guo, Linyi Lin, Fangming Jin, Ondřej Mašek,Qing Huang*.2023.Application of heavy metal immobilization in soil by biochar using machine learning.Environmental Research.116098.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116098
2.Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Yu Zhang, Jiaxin Yin, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Qingqing Wang, Kenlin Chang, Ondřej Mašek, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu, Wenchao Ma, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G. Gouda,Qing Huang*. 2023.Assessing the suitability of municipal sewage sludge and coconut bran as breeding medium forOryza sativaL. seedlings and developing a standardized substrate.Journal of Environmental Management:344: 118644.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118644
3.Xuesong Su, Jizu He, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Kenlin Chang, Yin Liu, Genmao Guo, Xiaohui Li*,Fangming Jin, Meijuan Kuang, Shaban Gouda,Qing Huang*, 2023.Potential application performance of hydrochar from kitchen waste: Effects of salt, oil, moisture, and pH.toxics.11, 679.https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics11080679
4.Junlei Zhan, Feixue Zheng, Rongfu Xie, Jun Liu, Biwu Chu, Jinzhu Ma, Donghai Xie, Xinxin Meng,Qing Huang,Hong He, Yongchun Liu*.2023.The role of NOxin Co-occurrence of O3and PM2.5 pollution driven by wintertime east Asian monsoon in Hainan.Journal of Environmental Management.345. 118654.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118645
5.Muhammad Sajjad,Qing Huang*,Sardar Khan, Javed Nawab, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Abid Ali, Rahman Ullah, Aftab Ali Kubar, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Yaseen, Maryam Sajjad.2023.Methods for the removal and recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients from animal waste: A critical review .Acta Ecologica Sinica.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chnaes.2023.05.003
6.Genmao Guo; Linyi Lin; Fangming Jin; Ondřej Mašek; Qing Huang*. 2023. Application of heavy metal immobilization in soil by biochar using machine learning.Environmental Research.231:116098.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116098
7.Genmao Guo, Yuan He, Fangming Jin, Ondřej Mašek,Qing Huang*.2023.Application of life cycle assessment and machine learning for the production and environmental sustainability assessment of hydrothermal bio-oil.Bioresource Technology. 129027.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129027
8.Muhammad Amjad Khan*, Javed Nawab, Anwarzeb Khan, Mark L. Brusseau, Shah Nawaz Khan, Neelum Ali, Saraj Bahadur, Sardar Khan*,Qing Huang*.2023.Humanhealth andecologicalrisksassociated withtotal andbioaccessibleconcentrations ofcadmium andlead inurbanparksoils.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 110: 61.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-023-03703-x.
9.YinLiu,Matthias C.Rillig,QuanLiu,JingjingHuang,MuhammadAmjadKhan,XiaohuiLi,QinLiu,QingqingWang,Xuesong Su,LinyiLin,YangBai,GenmaoGuo,Yi Huang,Yong SikOk,ShanHu,JunfengWang,HonggangNi,Qing Huang*.2023.Factors affecting the distribution of microplastics in soils of China.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.17(9):110.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-023-1710-4
10.Muhammad Amjad Khan, Sunjeet Kumar, Qingqing Wang, Mengzhao Wang, Shah Fahad, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Kenlin Chang, Sardar Khan,Qing Huang*, Guopeng Zhu*.2023.Influence of polyvinyl chloride microplastic on chromium uptake and toxicity in sweet potato.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 251, 114526.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.114526.
11.Muhammad Amjad Khan,Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Qingqing Wang, Jingjing Huang, Muhammad Sajjad, Yin Liu, Ondřej Mašek, Xiaohui Li, Junfeng Wang, Xiaomao Song.2023.Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in tropical soils and their relationship with contributing factors.Journal of Environmental Management.328:117006.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117006.
12.Genmao Guo,Qing Huang*, Fangming Jin, Linyi Lin, Qingqing Wang, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu,Muhammad Sajjad, Junfeng Wang, Zhenni Liao and Miao Cai.2022.Exploration of the interrelationship within biomass pyrolysis liquid composition based on multivariate analysis.Molecules.27, 5656.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27175656.
13.Tasneem Sarwar, Sardar Khan*, Javed Nawab*, Said Muhammad, Shehla Amin, Janas Khan, Adnan Sarwar, Iqbal Haider,Qing Huang*.2022.Arsenic speciation in rice, mechanisms and associated health risk through rice consumption in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.Exposure and Health.491. 12403.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12403-022-00491-3
14.Arun Krishna Vuppaladadiyam, Sai Sree Varsha Vuppaladadiyam, Abhishek Awasthic Abhisek Sahoo, Shazia Rehmana Kamal Kishore Pant, S. Murugavelh,Qing Huang, Edward Anthonyg Paul Fennel, Sankar Bhattacharyab Shao-YuanLeu.2022.Biomass pyrolysis: A review on recent advancements and green hydrogen production.Bioresource Technology. 364, 128087.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128087
15.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Jiaxin Wang, Huashou Li, Junhao Qin, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G.Gouda, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Wenkang Lu, Yang Zhao, Shan Hu, Junfeng Wang.2022.Temporal variation of the coupling relationship between functional guilds and biogeochemical process in soil-microbes-rice system.Chemosphere. 303,135099.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.135099
16.Aftab Ali Kubar,Qing Huang*, Kashif Ali Kubar, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Muhammad Sajjad, Sumaira Gul, Chen Yang, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo, Ghulam Mustafa Kubar, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho.2022.Ammonium and phosphate recovery from biogas slurry in relation to multivariate statistical analysis.Sustainability.14, 5617.https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095617
17.Abdoulaye Boré,Jicui Cui,Zhuoshi Huang,Qing Huang,Johann Fellner,Wenchao Ma.2022.Monitored air pollutants from waste-to-energy facilities in China: Human health risk, and buffer distance assessment.Atmospheric Pollution Research.13. 101484.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2022.101484
18.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Jiaxin Wang, Huashou Li, Junhao Qin, Xiaohui Li, Shaban G.Gouda, Yin Liu, Quan Liu, Genmao Guo, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Jiemin Qin, Wenkang Lu, Yang Zhao, Shan Hu, Junfeng Wang.2022.Ecological circular agriculture: A case study evaluating biogas slurry applied to rice in two soils.Chemosphere.301, 134628.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134628
19.Pengfei Chen, Renjie Yang, Yuhou Pei, Yang Yang, Jiong Cheng, Daoping He,Qing Huang,Heng Zhong*, Fangming Jin**.2022. Hydrothermal synthesis of similar mineral-sourced humic acid from food waste and the role of protein.Science of the Total Environment.828.154440.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154440
20.Quan Liu,Qing Huang*, Youcai Zhao, Yin Liu, Qingqing Wang, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xuyang Che, Xiaohui Li, Yang Bai, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Yang Zhao, Ying Chen, Junfeng Wang.2022.Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was detected in MSWI plant: An investigation of DOM and potential toxic elements variation in the bottom ash and fly ash.Science of the Total Environment.828.154339.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154339.
21.Genmao Guo,Qing Huang*,Fangming Jin, Qingqing Wang, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu, Ying Chen, Junfeng Wang, Ju Zhang.2022.Separation of high added-value chemical compositions derived from biomass pyrolysis liquid via sequential multi-step pH adjustment.Fuel Processing Technology.230:107216.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2022.107216
22.Muhammad Sajjad,Qing Huang*,Sardar Khan, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Liu Yin, Junfeng Wang, Faqin Lian, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo.2022.Microplastics in the soil environment: A critical review.Environmental Technology & Innovation. 27:102408.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2022.102408
23.Yin Liu, Wen Hu,Qing Huang*,Jiemin Qin, Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xiaohui Li, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu.2022.Plastic mulch debris in rhizosphere: Interactions with soil-microbe-plant systems.Science of the Total Environment. 807.151435.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151435
24.Changheng Li,Qing Huang*, Haixiang Zhang, Qingqing Wang, Rixin Xue, Genmao Guo, Jie Hu, Tinghang Li, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu.2021.Characterization of biochars produced by co-pyrolysis of Hami melon (cantaloupes) straw mixed with polypropylene and their adsorption properties of cadmium.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 11413.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111413
25.Zhenni Liao,Qing Huang*,Qiming Cheng, Sardar Khan, Xiaoying Yu.2021.Seasonal variation in chemical compositions of essential oils extracted from Lavandin flowers in the Yun-Gui plateau of China.Molecules. 26, 5639.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26185639
26.Xiuming Ding,Junfeng Wang*,Qing Huang*, Shan Hu, Yuejun Wu, Luya Wang.2021.The effects of the waste cement on the bioavailability, mobility and leaching of cadmium in soils.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.18, 8885.https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph18168885
27.Wang Qingqing,Huang Qing*,Wang Jiaxin, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Guo Genmao, Liu Yin, Hu Shan, Jin Fangming, Wang Junfeng , Yu Yunbo.2021.Dissolved organic carbon drives nutrient cycling via microbial community in paddy soil.Chemosphere.285. 131472.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131472
28.Zhou Jingya, Yin Shouyi, Fu Qionglin, Wang Qingqing,Huang Qing,Wang Junfeng.2021.Microbial-induced concrete corrosion under high-salt conditions: Microbial community composition and environmental multivariate association analysis.InternationalBiodeterioration&Biodegradation.164. 105287.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2021.105287
29.Aftab Ali Kubar,Huang Qing*,Muhammad Sajjad, Yang Chen, Lian Faqin, Junfeng Wang, Kashif Ali Kubar.2021.Recovery of phosphate and ammonium from the biogas slurry as value added fertilizer by biochar and struvite co-precipitation.Sustainability.13(7), 3827.https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073827
30.Genmao Guo, Qingqing Wang,Qing Haung*, Qionglin Fu, Yin Liu, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu, Ondřej Mašek, Luya Wang, Ju Zhang.2021. Effect ofpyrolysistemperature oncharacterisation ofdissolvedorganicmatter frompyroligneousacid.Molecules.2021,26, 3416.https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26113416
31.Yin Liu,Qing Huang*,Wen Hu, Jiemin Qin,Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang**, Qingqing Wang,Yuxin Xu, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu, Li Xu.2021.Effects of plastic mulch film residues on soil-microbe-plant systems under different soil pH conditions.Chemosphere.267:128901.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128901
32.Faqin Lian,Shuai Gao,Qionglin Fu,Yuejun Wu,Junfeng Wang,Qing Huang,Shan Hu*.2021.A comprehensive study of phosphorus removal and recovery with a Fe-loaded sulfoaluminate cement (FSC) adsorbent.Journal of Water Process Engineering.39:101744.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101744
33.Qingqing Wang,Qing Huang*,Genmao Guo, Jiemin Qin, Junyi Luo, Zhiqiang Zhu, Yi Hong, Yuxin Xu, Shan Hu, Wen Hu, Chen Yang,Junfeng Wang**.2020.Reducing bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soil and uptake by maize using organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer.Chemosphere.261. 128122.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128122
34.Ken-Lin Chang, Xi-Mei Chen, Xiao-Qin Wang, Ye-Ju Han, Laddawan Potprommanee, Jing-yong Liu, Yu-Ling Liao, Xun-an Ning, Shui-yu Sun,Qing Huang*.2017.Impact of surfactant type for ionic liquid pretreatment on enhancing delignification of rice straw.Bioresource Technology.227: 388—392.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2016.11.085
35.Qiming Cheng ,Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Yingjie Liu, Zhenni Liao, Gang Li, Yong Sik OK.2016.Adsorption of Cd by peanut husks and peanut husk biochar from aqueous solutions.Ecological Engineering.87: 240-245.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.11.045
36.Xiaoyan Zou, Penghui Li,Qing Huang, Hongwu Zhang.2016.Different response mechanisms ofWolffia globosa: Understanding of illumination-induced silver nanoparticles toxicity.Aquatic Toxicology.176 : 97–105.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.04.019
37.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Muhammad Aamir, Isha Shamshad, Zahir Qamar, Islam-ud-Din,Qing Huang*.2016.Organic amendments impact the availability of heavy metal(loid)s in mine-impacted soil and their phytoremediation byPenisitum americanumandSorghum bicolor.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.23:2381–2390.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-015-5458-7
38.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah, Zahir Qamar, Islamud Din, Qaisar Mahmood, Nayab Gul,Qing Huang*.2015.Contamination of soil, medicinal, and fodder plants with lead and cadmium present in mine-affected areas, Northern Pakistan.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187:605-618.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-015-4807-9
39.Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah, Kifayatullah Khan,Qing Huang*,Roshan Alie.2015.Quantification of heavy metals in mining affected soil and their bioaccumulation in native plant species.International Journal of Phytoremediation. 17: 801-813.https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2014.981246
40.Javed Nawab,Sardar Khan, Mohammad Tahir Shah,Nayab Gul,Abid Ali, Kifayatullah Khan,Qing Huang*.2015.Heavy metal bioaccumulation in native plants in chromite impacted sites: A search for effective remediating plant species.Clean -Soil, Air, Water. 43(9999): 1-10.https://doi.org/10.1002/clen.201400605
41.Laddawan Potprommanee, Xiao-Qin Wang, Ye-Ju Han, Didonc Nyobe, Yen-Ping Peng,Qing Huang,Jing-yong Liu, Yu-Ling Liao, Ken-Lin Chang*.2017.Characterization of a thermophilic cellulase fromGeobacillussp. HTA426, an efficient cellulase-Producer on alkali pretreated of lignocellulosic biomass.PLOS ONE.12(4): e0175004.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175004.
42.Muhammad Waqas, Sardar Khan,Huang Qing,Brian J. Reid, Cai Chao.2014.The effects of sewage sludge and sewage sludge biochar on PAHs and potentially toxic element bioaccumulation inCucumis sativaL.Chemosphere. 105: 53-61.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.11.064
43.Ruilun Zheng, Zheng Chen, Chao Cai, Baiqing Tie, Xiaoli Liu, Brian J. Reid,Qing Huang,Ming Lei, Guoxin Sun , Edita Baltrėnaitė.2015.Mitigating heavy metal accumulation into rice (Oryza sativaL.) using biochar amendment — a field experiment in Hunan, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.22(14): 11097-11108.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-015-4268-2
44.Xiao-Qiong Wu, Xing-Wen Wu,Qing Huang,Jiang-Shan Shen, Hong-Wu Zhang.2015.Synthesized gold nanoparticles in hydrogels for catalytic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds.Applied Surface Science.331: 210–218.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.077
The past publicationsofChinese :
1.Zhanghuan Chen,Qing Huang*, Jinying Yu, Xiaopeng Li, Enxue Liu, Zhilin Li, Valerie GibsonValerie Gibson,Effect of the physiological and biochemical character ofLavandula angustifoliaMedik. under high temperature.Hunan Agricultural Sciences. 2012. (17): 46-50
2.Jinying Yu,Qing Huang*, Xiaopeng Li, Enxue Liu, Zhilin Li, Yongguan Zhu.Effects of different treatments on cottage breeding and growth in seedling stage ofLavandula latifoliaMedik.Hunan Agricultural Sciences.2012.(03):99-101,105
3.Jinying Yu,Qing Huang*, Xiaopeng Li, Enxue Liu, Zhilin Li, Valerie Gibson. Effects of GA3, cold storage and light on seed germination and seedling growth ofLavandula angustifolia'Hidcote' Mill.Seed. 233:81-84
4.Cheng Guodan,Huang Qing, Zhang Kaisong. Effect of pyrolysis temperature and duration on production and nutrient properties of sludge biochar.Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.2012. 6(11):4209-4214
5.Cheng Guodan,Huang Qing,Zhang Kaisong. Effect of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on properties of bio-dried sludge biochar.Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2013. 7(3):1133-1138
6.ZHANG Xin,HUANG Qing, CHEN Baodong, LUO Lei, ZHU Yongguan. Elemental mapping of As and other elements in rootless duckweedWolffia globosa.Nuclear Techniques.2010.33(6)434-438
7.Huang Qing, Zhan Hongling.Effect of Na's 788 induce on procreation property of potted tulip,Southwest Horticulture,2002.30:(2): 43-44
8.Huang Qing, Huang Huang;. Preliminary study on procreation property of peach seeds treated by Na's 788 inducer;Hunan Agricultural Sciences. 2000. (06):37-38
9.LIAO Zhen-ni,HUANG Qing*, CHENG Qi-ming, LI Xiao-peng, LIU En-xue, YU Xiao-ying. Characterization of essential oil composition of Lavandin CAS08 grown in southern China. Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany.22(4):425-430
10.CHENG Qi-ming,HUANG Qing*, LIAO Zhen-ni, YANG Jian-wen, WU Dao-cong, SU Li. Determination of triazine and dinitroaniline inErigeron breviscapus(Vant.) Hand-Mazz and soilby accelerated solvent extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Journal of Analytical Science. 2015.31(1):115-118.
11.LIAO Zhen-ni,HUANG Qing*, CHENG Qi-ming, LI Xiao-peng, LIU En-xue, YU Xiao-ying, YU Jin-ying. Chemical compositions of the essential oils extracted from two cultivars of Lavandula spp. Grown in Yunnan.Natural Product Research and Development. 26(4):544-549
12.CHENG Qi-ming,HUANG Qing*, LIU Yingjie, LIAO Zhen-ni. Adsorption of cadmium (II) from aquatic media using sewage sludge derived biochar.Journal of agro-environment science. 2014.33(10):2022-2029
13.LIAO Zhen-Ni,HUANG Qing*, CHENG Qi-Ming, YU Xiao-Ying, LI Xiao-Peng, LIU En-Xue. Effect of plant age on botanical character and chemical composition of essential oils from Lavandin.Plant Science Journal. 2014:32(5):517-521
14.CHENG Qi-ming,HUANG Qing*, LIAO Zhen-ni, Su Li, LIU Xing-qiang, TANG Jian-feng. Assessment and analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface sediments of Xinglin Bay suburb rivers of Xiamen.Environmental Science. 2015. 36(1):179-185
15. WANG Jia-xin,HUANG Qing*, Zhao Xiao-fang, Xu Yuxin. 2019.Review on resource utilization and benefit of biogas slurry in rice production.Hunan Agricultural Sciences. 2019. (9):114-120.
16.GUO Gen-mao,HUANG Qing*, WANG Qing-qing, WANG Lu-ya, LIU Yin, LIU Quan, SU Xue-song. Multivariate statistical analysis of pyrolysis temperature, raw materials and wood vinegar composition ——Based on data of the experiments and scientific papers.Natural Product Research and Development.2021.DOI:10.1633/j.1001-6880.2021.8.013https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/51.1335.Q.20210510.1613.002.html
17.Liu Quang,Wang Luya,Che Xuyang,Wang Zhe,Huang Qing*.Enlightenment of domestic and foreign waste classification on domestic waste classification in Hainan Province.Environmental Protection and Circular Economy. 2021.41(08): 14-17, 36.DOI:1674-1021(2021)08-0014-04
Conference presentations or papers
Qing Huang, Qiming Chen, Yongguan Zhu.2013. Absorption of arsenic from solution by rice root powder. Kunming. Conference of the national monitoring and control of heavy metal and POPs pollution remediation technology (by Chinese)
Qing Huang, Wanying Xie, Dan Qiao, Qiming Cheng, Zhenni Liao, Yongguan Zhu*. Removal of copper(II) ions from aqueous solutions through biosorption technique using dryAzolla filiculoidesLam. Hangzhou. CLEAR 2012. Hangzhou.(Conference Papers)
Qing Huang, Guilan Duan, Yongguan Zhu*. 2010.Selenium uptake by the rootless duckweedWolffia globosa. Tokyo 2010 GMC. Tokyo. (Conference Papers)
Qing Huang, Yongguan Zhu*, 2010.Study on Rootless duckweed arsenic enriched proteomics.The first conference on Chinese phytoremediation biology. Xiamen.(Conference Papers).
1.Qing Huang,Rongsheng Zheng. Aromatic plant incense withArtemisia annuaL. as basis and its preparation process. Patent No.201711408805X
2.Qing Huang,Rongsheng Zheng. Aromatic plant incense withDipterocarpus turbinatusGaertn.f.as basis and its preparation process. Patent No.2017114076283
3.Qing Huang,Rongsheng Zheng. Aromatic plant incense withPlukenetia volubilisLinneoas basis and its preparation process. Patent No.2017114088100