  • 刘笑嶂
  1. 学  院:计算机科学与技术学院
  2. 学历职称:博士/教授
  3. 导师类型:博士生导师
  4. 联系方式:lxzh@hainanu.edu.cn
个人简介 科研项目 发表论文

(1)Xiaozhang Liu,Lifeng Zhang*, Tao Li, et al. Dual Attention Guided Multi-scale CNN for Fine-grained Image Classification.Information Sciences, 2021, 573: 37-45. (SCI,IF: 5.910中科院一区)

(2)Xiaozhang Liu, Hui Liu*, Yuxiu Lin. Video frame interpolation via optical flow estimation with image inpainting.International Journal ofIntelligent Systems, 2020, 35(12): 2087-2102. (SCI,IF: 10.312中科院一区)

(3)Xiaozhang Liu, Xinying Yu, Haojia Zhu, Guoyu Yang, Yilei Wang*, Xiaomei Yu.A game-theoretic approach of mixing different qualities of coins.International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2020, 35(12): 1899-1911. (SCI,IF: 10.312中科院一区)

(4) Kanghua Mo,Xiaozhang Liu*, Teng Huang, Anli Yan. Querying little is enough: Model inversion attack via latent information.International Journal ofIntelligent Systems, 2020, 36(2): 681-690.(SCI,IF: 10.312中科院一区)

(5) Hongwei Ye,Xiaozhang Liu*, Chunlai Li. DSCAE: a denoising sparse convolutional autoencoder defense against adversarial examples. Journal ofAmbient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020, 2020(11). (SCI,IF: 4.594 JCR一区)

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  • 电话:0898-66278203 66278201 邮箱:cs@hainanu.edu.cn
  • 院长信箱:zhangqingchen@hainanu.edu.cn 书记信箱:990920@hainanu.edu.cn
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