    • 科  系:酒店管理系
      导  师:博士生导师


    曹开颖,男,江西都昌人,中国科学技术大学博士,现任海南大学旅游学院教授,博导,致力于运营决策与服务科学。目前主持3项国家自然科学基金,已发表三十余篇学术期刊论文,其中1篇UTD24&FT50(顶刊)7篇中科院一区,13篇SSCI一区,5ESI高被引。现担任EJOR,Omega,IEEE EM,TRE,IJPR,管理科学学报等国内外权威期刊匿名审稿人,以及国家自然科学基金项目评审专家。


    [1] 依托海南大学工商管理博士后流动站,常年招收全职博士后(物流与供应链方向)

    [2] 招收工商管理专业博士生-物流与供应链方向(管理类、数学类、计算机类、经济类等)

    [3] 招收管理类、数学类、计算机类、经济类等硕士研究生



    [1] 为人真诚,人品好,吃苦耐劳

    [2] 对科研感兴趣,并具有上进心

    [3] 具有一定的数学和英语基础







    [1] 2012.9-2017.6 中国科学技术大学,管理科学与工程专业,博士

    [2] 2007.9-2011.6 华中师范大学,电子商务专业,本科;中南财经政法大学,会计学双学位


    [1] 2022.1-至今 海南大学,旅游学院教授,博士生导师

    [2] 2017.7-2022.1 南昌大学,管理学院副教授,博士生导师


    [1] 国家自然科学基金(面上基金项目),2024-2027,项目主持人

    [2] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目),2019-2021,项目主持人

    [3] 国家自然科学基金(地区基金项目),2021-2024,项目主持人

    [4] 海南省自然科学基金(面上项目),2023-2026,项目负责人

    [5] 2018 年度江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目,2018-2019,项目主持人


    [1] 江西省第十八次社会科学优秀成果奖,二等奖,排名第一。

    [2] 江西省第十九次社会科学优秀成果奖,三等奖,排名第一。

    [3] 南昌大学第一届谷霁光人文社会科学奖,一等奖,排名第一。


    [1]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Choi, T. M.* (2022). Optimal Trade-in Return Policies: Is it Wise to be Generous?.Production and operations management, 31(3), 1309-1331.SCI,顶级刊物,UTD24 & FT50

    [2]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu Y., Hua Y., Choi, T. M.* (2023). Supplier or Co-optor: Optimal Channel and Logistics Selection Problems on Retail Platforms.European Journal of Operational Research, 311(3), 971-988. (SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,ABS4)

    [3]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, X., Bian, Y.*, & Sun, Y. (2019). Optimal trade-in strategy of business-to-consumer platform with dual-format retailing model.Omega, 82, 181-192.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区,ESI高被引论文

    [4]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Su, Y., Han, G., & Choi, T. M. (2022)*. Is it wise to offer rebates for unused extended warranties under trade-in programs in supply chains?.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 167, 102915.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区)

    [5]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, B., & Wang J.*(2020) Optimal trade-in and warranty period strategies for new and remanufactured products under carbon tax policy.International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 180-199.(SCI/SSCI, JCR一区)

    [6]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Guo, Q., & Xu, Y.*(2023). Information sharing and carbon reduction strategies with extreme weather in the platform economy.International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108683.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区)

    [7]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Han G., Xu, B., & Wang J.* (2020) Gift card payment or cash payment: Which payment is suitable for trade-in rebate?.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 134, 101857.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区)

    [8]Cao, K.(曹开颖)He, P.*, & Liu, Z. (2020) Production and pricing decisions in a dual-channel supply chain under remanufacturing subsidy and carbon tax policies.Journal of the Operational Research Society. 71(8), 1199-1215. (SSCI, JCR二区,ESI高被引)

    [9]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Wang, J., Dou, G., & Zhang, Q.*(2018). Optimal trade-in strategy of retailers with online and offline sales channels.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 123, 148-156.SCI/SSCIJCR一区)

    [10] Dou, G.,Cao, K.(曹开颖)*. (2020). A joint analysis of environmental and economic performances of closed-loop supply chains under carbon tax regulation.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 146, 1006624.(通讯作者,SCI/SSCIJCR一区)

    [11] Wang, J., Huang X., Gong Z., &Cao, K.(曹开颖)*. (2020). Dynamic assessment of tourism carrying capacity and its impacts on tourism economic growth in urban tourism destinations in China.Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 15, 100383.(通讯作者,SSCI, JCR一区,ESI高被引论文)

    [12]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, Y., Wu, Q., Wang, J.*, & Liu, C. (2021). Optimal channel and logistics service selection strategies in the e-commerce context.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 48, 101070. (SSCI, JCR一区)

    [13]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Su, Y., Xu, Y., & Guo, Q.*(2022). Channel selection for retailers in platform economy under cap-and-trade policy considering different power structures.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 56, 101205. (SSCI, JCR一区)

    [14]Xu, Y., Wang, J., &Cao, K.*(曹开颖)(2023). Logistics mode strategy of firms selling fresh products on e-commerce platforms with private brand introduction.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 73, 103306. (通讯作者,SSCI, JCR一区)

    [15]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, X.*, Wu, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2017). Optimal production and carbon emission reduction level under cap-and-trade and low carbon subsidy policies.Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 505-513.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区,ESI高被引

    [16]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, Y., Wang J.*(2020). Should firms provide online return service for remanufactured products?.Journal of Cleaner Production, 272, 122641.SCI/SSCI,中科院一区,JCR一区)

    [17]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Xu, B., He, Y.*, & Xu, Q. (2020) Optimal carbon reduction level and ordering quantity under financial constraints.International Transactions in Operational Research. 27(5), 2270-2293.SSCIJCR二区)

    [18]Cao, K.(曹开颖),Xu Y., Xu, B., & Wang J.*(2020) Whether a retailer should enter an e-commerce platform with considering consumer returns?.International Transactions in Operational Research.27, 2878-2898.SSCIJCR二区)

    [19] Xu, Y., Wang, J., &Cao, K.(曹开颖)*(2023). Interaction between joining platform blockchain technology and channel encroachment for fresh agricultural product firms.International Transactions in Operational Research. Online. (SSCI, JCR二区,ESI高被引)

    [20]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Su, Y., Han, G., & Wang, J.*(2023). Optimal maintenance service outsourcing strategy considering extended warranty service.Managerial and Decision Economics, 44(2), 1344-1358. (SSCI, ABS二星)

    [21]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Su, Y., Xu, Y., & Wang, J.*(2022). “Free replacement extended warranty” or “traditional extended warranty”: Optimal extended warranty selection strategy.Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(7), 3130-3146. (SSCI, ABS二星)

    [22]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Gao Y. (2023). Optimal fresh agricultural products private brand introduction and sourcing strategy considering different power structures.Managerial and Decision Economics,44, 3827-3845. (SSCI, ABS二星)

    [23] Wang, J., &Cao, K.(曹开颖)*(2023) Optimal brand differentiation and private brand introduction strategies considering carbon emission reduction.Managerial and Decision Economics.Accepted. (SSCI, ABS二星)

    [24]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Bo, Q., & He, Y.*(2018). Optimal trade-in and third-party collection authorization strategies under trade-in subsidy policy.Kybernetes, 47(5), 854-872. (SCI)

    [25]Cao, K.(曹开颖), & He, P.*(2016). The competition between B2C platform and third-party seller considering sales effort.Kybernetes, 45(7), 1084-1108. (SCI)

    [26]Cao, K.(曹开颖), & He, P.*(2018). Price and warranty competition in a supply chain with a common retailer.INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 56(2), 225-246.(SCI)

    [27]Cao, K.(曹开颖), Su, Y., Xu, Y., & Wang, J.*(2022). Optimal channel selection of remanufacturing firms with considering asymmetric information in platform economy.RAIRO-Operations Research, 56(3), 1259-1281. (SCI)

    [28]曹开颖,张壮壮,徐兵*,王佳.在碳交易机制下再制造授权选择以及信息披露研究[J].管理工程学报, 2022,36(06):168-181.(国家自然科学基金委A类期刊,CSSCICSCD

    [29]曹开颖,徐玉秋*,豆国威.考虑网络外部性的生鲜企业渠道选择策略研究[J].运筹与管理, 2022,31(11):226-233.(国家自然科学基金委A类期刊,CSCDCSSCI



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