1、Shan Nan, Tianhua Tang, Hongshuo Feng, Yijie Wang, Xudong Lu, and Huilong Duan. 'A Computer Interpretable Guideline for COVID-19: Rapid Development and Dissemination.' JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(9):e21628 (SCI IF=2.577 JCR Q2)
2、Shan Nan, Pieter Van Gorp, Xudong Lu, Uzay Kaymak, Hendrikus Korsten, Richard Vdovjak, and Huilong Duan. 'Design and implementation of a platform for configuring clinical dynamic safety checklist applications.' Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 19, no. 7 (2018): 937-946. (SCI IF= 1.604 JCR Q2)
3、Shan Nan, Pieter Van Gorp, Xudong Lu, Uzay Kaymak, Hendrikus Korsten, Richard Vdovjak, and Huilong Duan. 'A meta-model for computer executable dynamic clinical safety checklists.' BMC medical informatics and decision making, 2017, 17(1): 170. (SCI IF= 2.317 JCR Q3)
4、J. R. De Bie#,ShanNan#, L. R. E. Vermeulen, P. M. E. Van Gorp, R. A. Bouwman, A. J. G. H. Bindels, and H. H. M. Korsten. 'Intelligent dynamic clinical checklists improved checklist compliance in the intensive care unit.' BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2017, 119(2): 231-238. (共同一作 SCI IF= 6.880 JCR Q1)
5、MengyangLi, Heather Leslie, Bin Qi,Shan Nan, Hongshuo Feng, Hailing Cai, and Xudong Lu. 'Development of openEHR template for Coronavirus disease 2019 based on clinical guidelines.' Journal of Medical Internet Research 22, no. 6 (2020): e20239 (SCI IF= 5.034 JCR Q1)
6、南山, 吕旭东, 杨智翔, 刘昱圻, 陈韵岱, 段会龙. “一种面向医疗安全的智能清单系统.” 中国生物医学工程学报,2017,36(3): 329-335. (核心期刊)
7、张寅升,南山,段会龙,张国明,宋湘梅.“基于工作流管理技术的医学知识库集成与协同应用.”中华医院管理杂志, 2016, 11(2016): 833-836. (核心期刊)
8、Shan Nan, Ashley De Bie, Sicui Zhang, Hendrikus Korsten, Xudong Lu, and Huilong Duan. 'Identify Facilitators and Challenges in Computerized Checklist Implementation.' Studies in health technology and informatics 264 (2019): 1737-1738. (EI)
9、Shan Nan, Pieter Van Gorp, Hendrikus HM Korsten, Uzay Kaymak, Richard Vdovjak, Xudong Lu, and Huilong Duan. 'DCCSS: A meta-model for dynamic clinical checklist support systems.' In Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), 2015 3rd International Conference on, Angers, France, pp. 272-279. IEEE, 2015. (EI)
10、Leixing Lu,Shan Nan, Sicui Zhang, Xudong Lu, and Huilong Duan. 'Using openEHR's guideline definition language for representing percutaneous coronary intervention patient safety rules in a dynamic checklist system.' Studies in health technology and informatics 264 (2019): 1714-1715. (EI)
11、Leixing Lu,Shan Nan, Sicui Zhang, Xudong Lu, and Huilong Duan. 'Can Existing Guideline Languages Meet the Requirements of Computerized Checklist Systems?.' In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 1500-1503. IEEE, 2018. (EI)
12、Jianfei Pang, Haifeng Xu,Shan Nan, Shubo Xu, Me Li, and Dongsheng Zhao. 'A Mobile Intelligent Checklist System for Stroke Emergency.' In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 1581-1584. IEEE, 2019. (EI)
13、Hui Yan, Xudong Lu, Pieter Van Gorp, SJH Serge Jan Hubert Heines,Shan Nan, Walther van Mook, Dennis Bergmans, Uzay Kaymak, and Huilong Duan. 'On accurate, automated and insightful deviation analysis of clinical protocols.' In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 1130-1134. IEEE, 2018. (EI)