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      2021年08月23日 09:14  点击:





    1. 国家自然科学基金(青年),62205093,2023至2025年,30万,主持;

    2. 海南省重点研发项目,ZDYF2023SHFZ135,2023至2025年,30万元,主持;

    3. 科技部“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目,共聚焦显微成像微探头研制及国产化,参与;

    4. 海南省重大科技计划项目,胰胆管共聚焦显微内窥镜研发,参与。


    1. Jing Cao, Ling Fu, Pinghe Wang, Qian Liu, "Quantitative spatial resolution enhancement of reflection matrix optical coherence tomography for deep-tissue imaging, "Journal of Applied Physics, 134, 073103 (2023)

    2.Lantian Hu, Ruixiang Guo, Sifan Li,Jing Cao, and Qian Liu, "Accuracy improvement for classifying retinal OCT images by diseases using deep learning-based selective denoising approach, " JIOHS, 2350008 (2023).

    3. Jing Cao, Yang, Qiang Yang, Yusi Miao, et al. "Enhance the delivery of light energy ultra-deep into turbid medium by controlling multiple scattering photons to travel in open channels" Light Sci Appl 11, 108 (2022).

    4. Jing Cao, Qiang Yang, Yusi Miao, Yan Li, Pinghe Wang, and Zhongping Chen, "High-speed wavefront determination method based on single in-and-out electric field analysis to focus light through highly scattering medium," APL Photonics 6, 036107 (2021).

    5. Jing Cao, Pinghe Wang, Yan Zhang, Guohua Shi, and Yong Liu, "Experimental and theoretical investigation of polygon-based swept-source with continuous adjustable free spectral range," Optics Communications, 478, 126401 (2020)

    6.Qiang Yang,Jing Cao, Yusi Miao, Jiang Zhu, and Zhongping Chen, "Extended imaging depth of en-face optical coherence tomography based on fast measurement of a reflection matrix by wide-field heterodyne detection," Optics Letter 45, 828-831 (2020).

    7. Jing Cao, Pinghe Wang, Bo Wu, Guohua Shi, Yan Zhang, Xiqi Li, Yudong Zhang and Yong Liu, "Improved wavelet hierarchical threshold filter method for optical coherence tomography image de-noising," Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 11(3), 1850012 (2018).

    8. Jing Cao, Pinghe Wang, Yan Zhang, Guohua Shi, Bo Wu, Shangjian Zhang, and Yong Liu, "Methods to improve the performance of the swept source at 1.0 μm based on a polygon scanner," Photonics Research 5, 245-250 (2017).




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